Probably like most knitters, I travel with knitting. Occasionally, I run out of wool and am left with nothing to knit. I am adept at spotting remote wool shops, as we tour. These shops always turn out to be jewels. Being off the beaten track, they are unique. I guess they have to be in order to prosper.
This holiday, I found one. The road to Perranuthnoe leads down to a lovely (dog-free. Hmm!) beach. Just before the car park is a craft centre, which, judging by the name, The Cow House Gallery, is a farmyard conversion. The cafe and the gallery are worth a visit, if you are ever near Penzance. If you are a knitter and love yarn, then the Cornish Wool shop is a must. (Otherwise, they do have an on-line shop for anyone after Cornish wool or just wanting to lap up some yarn inspiration. )
One room of the shop houses the wool. They have their own line. The wool is collected from the local farmers, sorted and sent off to be spun. The bands were prominently labelled with the breed of sheep or animal. They also have artisan style wools, which are individually dyed. It is the sort of room, that takes a fibre fanatic’s breath away. Especially one who has not been in a wool shop for a little while and has just walked off a Cornish rugged coast path. I was tempted by the handcrafted wooden shawl pin, buttons and other goodies.
To top it all there was a group of knitters sitting around the table for their regular Wednesday knit and cake. I was so tempted to join them, except I had left the family in the car. I know how popular I would have been if I had stayed much longer.
So I left with three balls of local wool, a sock pattern and, yet another set of UK size 4 needles. I’ve finished one sock, already and am tearing through the next. It’s the first time I’ve knitted socks on two needles instead of a set of double pointed needles. I’m liking it.
As for the books, I thought I’d share the three books that the children enjoyed on holiday. All three are tick books, which remind me of the I-Spy books I had at their ages. Before the wool shop, we parked up and took a five or six mile walk along the coastal path. The children are all really good walkers. Plenty to see. Coastal birds to spot. The two girls were so excited to tick off birds and plants from their books. They learnt so many new ones.
This one was not in any of the books.
TF was thoroughly immersed spotting trucks as we drove around Cornwall. He called it his truck diary. Even using some of the sticky surrounds of the stickers as a clasp to keep the diary shut. Just like a real diary, I’m told. I’m still reading the Jane Austin Book Club, but it seemed out of place to read it in Cornwall! I did indulge in a Cornish Folk legend book. Some great tales that didn’t seem regurgitated from other books I’ve read.
Another children’s book, with a Cornish flavour, to share with you all next time. Oodles!
I’m linking up with Ginny’s Yarn Along. Some prolific knitters over there, along with lots of tempting books to suggest.
Lovely sock! I’m knitting socks (well, a sock…it’ll be a while before it’s finished) this week, too.
Socks are good fun to knit. Need to start the second one quickly, otherwise its easy to have a solo sock.
Lovely yarn..I also like finding those little yarn shops when I’m on vacation! I have tried knitting socks on DPN’s and have failed every time……maybe I will try it on 2 needles! Your sock looks great!!
I can recommend the two needle method. I’ve knitted lots of pairs on dpns, which is great, but the two needles work just as well. Easier on the wrists, especially with the heavier yarn. New wool shops, that stock great yarn, are great to find.
Those socks look very warm and woolly, funnily enough I’m about halfway through a cosy pair of housesocks for winter worked on two needles for the first time, I usually use dpns, just wondering how they’ll sew up though, as my sewing up isn’t always brilliant.
I would have loved to have found a little wool shop off the coastal path, and how fantastic to pop in and find a “knit ‘n’ natter” going on………..I would have been so tempted to join in too.
Interesting books for the little ones, I’m going to take a peep at the yarn along, never heard of one before.
lily x
Hi lily. Good to see you back using the computer. I’m using DK and they sew up really well. No hard seam, as they the stitches just graft he two pieces together. Amazingly good. The yarn along is fun. So many people out there, knitting and reading. My reading list is getting very long.
I love that yarn! So pretty!
It is gorgeous to knit with and quick!
I can’t even pretend to keep up with your flying needles!! Gorgeous yarn, lovely sock waiting for its mate.. and another castle. You’re living in a fairyland!
Blessings, Debbie
If you had seen me letting out the hens this morning, I’m not sure you’d have thought it was much of a fairy tale. Slippy mud everywhere! Oops! Hope I didn’t burst the bubble! I’m so enjoying the castles and my wool adventures.
That is very lovely yarn you have! And also a lovely sock.
Thanks Emily. I love the heavier yarns.
Wool shops are just the best kind of shops aren’t they? I love finding a new one. All these Yarn along posts about socks, I’m really going to have to give it a go one of these days. Thanks for dropping by my page too
Totally agree about wool shops being the best. We lost so many a while back, as knitting went out of fashion. Now a whole lot of new ones are opening. yeh! And socks. Yes. Give them a go.
Oh what a treat!! I love amazing discoveries like that. And those socks are gorgeous! One day, I’ll try my hand at them
They have the shop just right. It really was great to find it after a coastal walk. You must try socks. I was put off for years, but they are easier than they look.
hi cheryl, hope you are having a lovely week there. the sock looks great, i cannot !!!!
that yarn would be so perfect for so many things. love eco yarns. the neutral is tops. x
It feels good to be using neutral and natural again. I’m spinning natural coloured yarn at the moment and I’m loving the variation as I mix them.
Oooh, that Cornish wool looks gorgeous
Looks just like the type of sock I’m planning to make my brother for christmas too!
Between you and me, I’m planning on doing some of these as presents, too.
Hi, I love knitting socks but have only ever made them on 4 needles, where do I find a pattern for knitting them on 2, this sounds so much easier and the one’s you have pictured look great.
The pattern I used was Sirdar 9226. I also found it on Ravelry. I was worried that the sewn up seams would be bulky, but they are not at all. They are lost in the knit once I’ve finished. Not sure if the thicker yarn works better when it comes to sewing up the seam, but it is not the compromise I thought it would be!