Yarn Along – Stripey socks

Books and knitting. Wednesday. It must be Ginny’s Yarn-Along.

I’ve finished the socks for AJ. The 2 needle sock pattern (ravelry link) I use gives four different versions. I chose to do one of the versions that I have not knitted before. It turned out a slimmer sock, which is a wee bit snug to put on, but stays up nicely when on. I used odds and ends from my wool stash and I made the soles dark blue, for practical reasons. My dear daughter is not too keen on slippers and bottom of socks would soon look grubby if a light colour had been used! The blue should hide it a bit.

Also finished another square for my patchwork blanket, with another on my needles.

I’ve been busy reading this week, although you’d be forgiven for thinking that it all looks much the same as last week. I’ve read another Diana Wynne Jones book and several more chapters of Hard Times. Both thoroughly enjoyable, but so different. There are some phrases in Dickens that take me a second read to fully understand. We just don’t talk like that anymore, but when I do fathom it out, the words paint such a vivid picture. Maybe its a shame we have lost some of these turns of phrases. In contrast, I could read and read Wynne Jones until the cows come home. Its easier to read and complete escapism. I need both styles of books.

If you are interested in knitting and books, I can recommend a visit to Ginny’s. I always have the image, on Wednesdays , of all us knitting/book reading folk, that join in the link up, wandering from one blog to another, passing each other without even knowing. Hello to all that have made it here. I’ll just pop the kettle on. You’re just in time for a muffin straight from the oven.


  1. Very cute socks.
    I agree and wish we still used some of the phases [and the dress too] from long ago.
    Thank you for the muffin and tea!
    Happy yarn along day.

  2. Those socks sure look cozy!!
    I had to smile–I feel like I’m in one big book club on Wednesdays. I so look forward to it. And yummy. Your muffin was delicious!!! Thank you so much. Time to hop along…..happy yarn along day!

  3. oh, stripey socks are the best!
    you are right, i love the image that comes up when i join the yarn along a lot! so much goodness and so many tips and recommendations passed on.
    i’d love that muffin, thank you! 😉

    1. I am so going through a stripey stage at the moment.

      There is a lot of sharing folk out there that are willing to pass on a tip or two. So good to see you. I’m glad you liked the muffin.

  4. I think the socks you made using odds and ends from your stash turned out great. It might be a way to bust some of my “leftover sock yarn stash”. 😉

    1. I keep the ends of my sock yarn for darning. Most of mine is the self patterning type. It would be fun to see them all come together in alternative stripes. I may have to raid my collection.

  5. Love your stripey socks and the darker soles is genius! Your books sound intriguing – must check them out. And I love the way you describe all of us knitting readers coming together for a virtual tea party and knitting group.

  6. Well now, I could just go a muffin and a cuppa – thank you.
    I love those socks – what a great way to use up stash. I do like Dickens and i know what you mean about the language.
    I don’t know if I have read any DWJ. Another writer i will have to look up now.

  7. Mmmm…thanks for the tea and muffin! 😀 Two-needle socks, you say?? I am all-over-that! I loathe dpn knitting, so have avoided socks completely. But oh, how my toes suffer…freezing all the way through June here. Looks like a beautiful project for Springy feet. Thanks!!

  8. I think my first comment got eaten – grrrr. Just wanted to say thanks for the delicious muffin! Your socks turned out beautifully. I am always tickled by the way that “scraps” can be turned into such great projects.

    1. I know what you mean about scraps. No where near big enough to make a dress, but, put together, they can make something (hopefully) beautiful! Hope you enjoyed the muffin.

  9. Like Jen, socks are next on my list! My boys won’t wear slippers but as we’ve got wooden floors they’re very cold. I’ll bear in mind using a dark colour for the soles!! I dare say the socks will be used as ” skates” over my lounge floor!! As long as it picks up the dog hair I don’t mind!!

    1. We have stone floors, downstairs, which are cold too. Cosy toes are a must. I like the idea of them picking up the dog hair. 🙂

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