It’s Wednesday. It’s Ginny’s Yarn-Along. It’s my chance to put away my hexagon patchwork and pick up my knitting needles. To be honest, I need a change of scene.
At the weekend, we spent a day in Bristol. Apart from the museum, the children wanted time browsing at a book shop. We must have spent an hour at least there. I limited them to one book, so they each came away with two! I feel that they are honing their negotiating skills!
I picked up a craft book. Just for Fun: 20 Handmade Projects to Stitch, Knit and Craft . I like the format and that it was targeted to beginners and improvers. I want to use some of these projects to do with the children. In the meantime, one project instantly grabbed me. Mittens that will be half-fingerless gloves. I’ve seen these on Ravelry and put them on my list, but seeing them in the book (holding a cup of coffee) hastily elevated the project to the front of the queue. Too advanced for the children to knit at the moment, so it’s up to me to knit a pair for each of them!
I’ve not settled into a book, since Christmas. Over the holiday, I spent time reading with the children and we are still finishing off a few of the books. Loved the version of A Christmas Carol. Too much for my 4 year old, but the older girls loved it. I’m reading Gobbolino the Witch’s Cat with BL. It is absolutely perfect for her stage. She reads bits to me and I read to her.
I love a book that the children talk and talk about. Moominland is new to us ( – I know, where have we been!). In the car to Bristol, AJ explained all the characters and the story to us, in a way that showed that it had fired up her imagination and the joy of a good story. After such a rave review, how could I resist slipping it out of her bookshelf and on to my bedside table!
For more knitting tales and novel stories, I’d hop over to Ginny’s.
Lovely to catch up with you again and see what you are doing, I’ve been infrequent at blogging lately but getting back to it again.
I love to do quick mittens, nice and easy especially for children. Am in the process of helping dd with knitting when she has the interest – got her a sewing and knitting book for Christmas which she loves. Great projects for kids.
Ah the Moomins – have had a few of those here lately, lovely to read. Enjoyed a coy of the Christmas Carol with dd over Christmas – one I was given as a gift when I was 9 years old, great memories.
love Dawn x
Such a lovely red. They’ll be sure to add a bright spot to cool days!
Okay, I’ve never heard of Moominland before either. Apparently I must have been in the same remote place that you were
cheryl my dear friend so good to catch up. ive been thinking of you :: as i just read the lovely cat book all the way thru– and what a delightful read to cherish. i had tears the first time i finished : what a loving sacrifice of the fisherman at christmas time , and the way the author shows the views of humans from the cats perspective !! love love it. thank you again.
ive had a long break from the blogging and happy to be back into things for now.
love to you.x
Who can ever refuse a child who wants a book or two? Fortunately, I had a father who loved books and indulged my children in this area. It’s wonderful that your daughter is knitting!
wow that Gobollino book brought back memories! I can remember reading that a loooong time ago…off to find a copy on Amazon as I know my dd will love it too – thanks for the reminder
Oh I can hardly wait to see the progress on those mittens!