Happy May 1st. I’ve been enjoying walks in our woods. The wildflowers are making their presence felt. Carpet of bluebells with sprinkling of wild garlic and wood sorrel, which sounds more like a recipe than anything.
I started my new yarn project last night. I’m making another King Cole pattern. In fact, it’s a long cardigan again, but this time with pockets and a zigzag hem. Pockets make me feel like I’m giving in to my sensible side, while the yarn colour is a riot and makes me smile. I do love bright, strong colours. The yarn is called raspberry and is probably a closer match to the contents of an Angel Delight or Kool Aid packet, than anything I’d grow in my fruit garden, but that’s OK.
I’m using King Cole Merino Blend again, because, quite frankly, it’s my favourite wool at the moment. I love knitting with it. I love wearing it. I can’t think of a better reason to use it on this latest project.
The pattern is King Cole 4750. I’ve knitted the pocket linings and the start of the left front hem. I’m not sure about it yet. It is a little bit loopy in parts. I’m tempted to start the right side and see if I can get it tighter. If I can then, the left side can be unravelled and started again. If you look at the photo of the finished cardigan, it does look a lot tighter, compared to mine. Hmm.Still with the yarn projects. I finished the front of my daisy cushion (top photo). Just need to sew on the fabric back and it can join the other one at the kitchen table. The is a scrap buster and I’ve finished the white and the blue balls of yarn. I’m tempted to do another cushion cover, but this time just use the green as a background for the daisies. So long as I can find another ball of white skulking around.
I have finished my jumper, since last Yarn Along. Reblocking as the hem is still curling. Makes me appreciate a ribbed hem, at times like this.
Finally, seeing as it’s the first Wednesday of the month and Yarn Along time again, I’m sharing my latest book……which is the same as last month. I have been reading it. Spring means I have less time to read. Between work, the garden and different after school activities for the children, somehow reading time is squeezed and I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow at night. I am enjoying the book and love the moments when I can pick it up.
I hope May treats you well and you are able to enjoy the scent of a walk through a bluebell wood. Our bluebells will soon lose their race with the surrounding foliage and be more hidden , so I’m enjoying the sight while it lasts. See how they droop and the edges of the bells look like they have been curled. A sure sign of native bluebells and not the invasive Spanish variety.
Joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along. What are you reading at the moment? Have you anything on your knitting needles?
Happy May 1st to you too! I do love bluebells and they make fab backdrops for photos
I love the edging on your new cardigan project and the colour is gorgeous! I hope you find a happy medium with the spacing. I have to start over if I’m slightly unsure with the look of a pattern or I know it will bug me forever more once it’s all finished. x #MMBC
Bit more experimenting and I’ve come to the conclusion that the photo and the instructions do not match. I’m going to carry on and accept it is different.