Yarn Along – Knitting socks

Linking this post to Ginny’s Yarn Along.

I love turning the heel of socks. Admittedly, this revelation is truly not going to change my life much, but it makes knitting socks more interesting. Not sure yet if I’m loving it because the heel usually represents the mid-point of sock knitting, the feeling that I-can-do-it or the fun of moulding my knitting into a non-flat shape. Probably all three.

This week, I turned the heel of the second sock. I am now on the home straight. Yeh! I’ve reached the stage where I’m beginning to think that I want to make another pair. Like most  knitters, I find it so difficult to start knitting sock number two. It is a drudge and I metaphorically drag my feet. Once the heel is done ,then all is forgiven and forgotten, and I am mentally casting on my next pair. Madness!

Book wise ….I’ve just started Sleights of Mind. Slow going as I’m fitting it in around researching extra study books and programs for the children. Mainly in Maths and science, which I love and they will too.

Not knitting or reading, but it makes me smile. It’s sweetcorn time. At the moment, we eat sweetcorn every day, straight from the garden. From harvest to plate probably takes no more than five minutes. Never tastes so sweet from the shops. This is why sweetcorn is guaranteed a plot in our garden.  Added bonus is watching the children wander through the rows, measuring the height of the corn against themselves.

Each year I promise myself that I will plant a bigger patch next year. We’ll see.

See, even the sun cannot resist smiling at the sweetcorn!

If you love reading or knitting, or even better, both, pop over to Ginny’s for fresh inspiration.


  1. It is a nightmare that second sock slump, and I usually have to talk firmly to myself to complete the pair, I can think of no reasonable explanation for it and it’s always such a releif when the pair is complete. Love the pattern of your socks, I usually knit with self patterning yarn but I think I may try some solid colours next. Your corn looks delicious. x

    1. I think I’d solve my second sock slump for good if I wore odd socks. I’m sure it is the prospect of making an identical sock, that puts me off. Same thing, all over again. This is the first pair I have made with a more complicated stitch pattern. Really having to concentrate big time!

    1. Touch wood, but each year we have had a good crop. Now I’ve tempted fate. We plant plenty of plants and I think that helps. Here’s hoping that your sweetcorn is plentiful next year!

  2. your ears are so long! we only get the short ears here.. i had forgot how countrysides grown em nice and big ! :)))
    you know? lately ive been looking at sock patterns. last time i tried a sock i ended up throwing a double pointed metal spear across the room..maybe this time i’m ready.

    1. 😀 😀 For a moment, I wondered what you meant about my ears! Then I realised that you were talking about the sweetcorn. If dpns are too frustrating, why not try a two needle sock pattern. So many lovely sock yarns out there.

    1. Always pleased to see you, too!
      Handmade socks are very popular in this house. I cannot knit them fast enough. The next pair are already lined up. Less complicated, so they will be done in days. I hope!

  3. I love the socks, they look so, well comfortable. You must be a very patient knitter, I don’t think I could do it.
    That corn looks superb, the colour is lovely and the cobs are lovely and plump filled with those plump kernals. Enjoy!
    Anne xx

    1. The socks need blocking yet, but I hope they keep the comfortable look. The stitch pattern has been challenging. There have been a few purls instead of knits, and vice versa. Hmm! If I was more patient, I’d have corrected the mistakes, but more than five rows down and I turn a blind eye!

    1. Just got distracted by another book, so I may be reading my copy at the same time you receive your library book. Looking forward to reading it. Maybe I ought to have an upstairs book and a downstairs book on the go at the same time. 🙂

  4. Hi Cheryl

    Looking over this post again, sorry but I never received your info re sock pattern, would you mind resending. I love them.
    thanks again

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