Yarn Along – Knitting Birds

Joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along. Somehow, mid week would not be the same, if I missed it. Time to see what’s on everyone’s needles and the books keeping their bookmarks flat.

Less time to read this week. Not sure why. My books are the same as last time. I’ve almost finished Mixed Magic and I read some of Hard Times.

Knitting wise, I’ve almost finished the last square of my knitted blanket. I’m slowing down as I know that I just don’t have the right wool in my stash for the border. I need to fit in a trip to the wool shop before the children break up for the Easter holidays. I know the tone that I want, but I’m flexible on the colour.

In the meantime, I’ve picked up my socks that always sit in the background for odd moments. Since last time, I have found the other ball of wool for the second sock. Hurray! I now have fresh impetuous to finish these socks.

Also played with the idea of making a bird. Makes a big change from square and flat! I still have the eyes and beak to finish (using pins and felt to experimenting with the placing at the moment), the legs and I’m going to add a red tummy. I thought it was going to be a little brown bird, but it seems to be turning into a robin redbreast. I might make a few in fluffy yellow for Easter. They would make sweet Easter chicks. Pattern from here.

I’ll be off to check out everyone else’s knitting and books.


  1. Hooray for sock knitting ! I can’t wait to see them both finished. I am so sorry you must ‘force’ yourself to visit the yarn store! 🙂 The trail’s knitters must go through for their craft!
    The little bird is just adorable and perfect for this season.
    I hope you have a lovely yarn along day.

    1. It is a tough life, but someone has to go and spend time in a yarn shop. I’m putting to put myself forward for this mission. Sigh.

  2. What a cute little bird!!! I agree with mid-week not being the same without the yarn along. Last week I didn’t have any knitting to share so skipped it. I missed hearing from everyone!

    1. I don’t think they are going to earn the status of finished object yet, but finding the second ball has made it more possible.

  3. You knit a bird! Beautiful timing for him to make an appearance…. Lots of knitting still going on here too. As much as I look forward to spring, I’m not minding the prolonged cold. I’m just not quite ready to back off of the needles (which always happens when the garden becomes priority)!

    Blessings, Debbie

    1. Garden takes priority here too. The weeds need the attention, while the needles become a luxury. Squeezing in a bit more knitting before then. 🙂

  4. I love how the bird is peeking up at your books in the first picture…clever. I need to practice some photography like that instead of just plunking my project beside my book and click…thanks for the inspiration.

    And great trick …using the pins to determine where to put the eyes. I’m going to “borrow” that idea.

    1. It was the only way I could keep the bird up right! The legs should help once I add them.

      I find the pins really help. I’m quite fussy about the faces I put on the things I make, so I need a method to get it right, that doesn’t leave a lasting mark. Pins work a treat.

  5. Such a darling little bird! She’s perfect for spring.

    Every time I visit your blog I want to try making my own bath bombs. They look so cool (and much cheaper than the ones I buy).

    1. The bath bombs are really easy to make. Once you’ve made them, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it before. (Plus they are much, much cheaper)

  6. That bird is gorgeous. Looks fiddly to knit though and I fear therefore beyond my knitting skills. Can’t wait to see whether you decide to make a flock of them! Perhaps a charm of them as in a charm of finches?! They would certainly qualify for the term.

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