I’m joining in on Ginny’s yarn along today. Reading and knitting. I now have so many new books on my reading list. I’m not sure I will ever get through them all.
We have a great big barn, down the road from us, that is full, absolutely full, of second-hand books. It is impossible to come out of the barn without at least one book. Usually a lot more. A few Sundays ago, we popped in as a family. We left with an armful of books. I limit the children to two books only. You never know what you will manage to find and I was thrilled to find a Dianne Wynne Jones and the Jane Austen Book Club.
I have started on the latter, which is on my Yarn Along book list. It is an easy read, which means that I can pick it up when I have time. I was surprised by it, but am enjoying it.
On the knitting side, I’ve finished the castle jumper.
I’m now knitting up the alpaca that I finished spinning this week. I finally chose the Sheep’s wrap, found on Ravelry. I needed something simple, as the wool is dark and, to be honest, my yarn is the type that only the one who spun it could love. I’m looking forward to when I can spin thin, which everyone, and every book, tells me will happen with practise. The alpaca feels and smells gorgeous. I washed it with soap pods, which doesn’t add any unnecessary fragrances. It will be a cosy, soft shawl, which is exactly what I was after.
So anyone else knitting and reading? There is still room on my reading list for more!
How satisfied you must feel knitting up the alpaca you spun last week. Do show us the shawl when you are done. Hooray that you are spinning now!! Join us over at Spinspiration sometime. We would love to see you there. The castle jumper must look fantastic. I remember you posting about that and thought it really lovely.
As for that barn full of secondhand books, I would soon become their number one customer!
Too true! I love that I’m knitting my own spinnning.
I have to put blinkers on as I pass the barn, otherwise I’d fill our house to the brim with books. Fortunately, they are cheap. Although, maybe that makes me a little less selective than I would be. Blinkers were a good investment.

The thin spinning does happen in time and then you spend all your energy trying to make it fat and lumpy again! (well I do anyway!) I think the best thing is just to enjoy each stage as it happens and hope that one day you will get complete control over what you spin! Have fun xxx
Thanks for the encouraging words. I shall enjoy this stage. I like chunky (still looking forward to thinning down the yarn). I’ll just choose a knitting pattern to match!
What an informative blog you have, and I love the photos of a Knight and his Hound.
Always wonderful to meet a fellow long-dog admirer! The hound is so willing to join in the photo fun. Especially when a special food treat from a favourite human is involved.
I know it is supposed to be showing off the jumper, but I seriously love the pics of your amazing hound.
The jumper is lovely, but your dog is amazing
It’s so nice to know that I’m not alone in learning how to spin. Recently have bought the spinning wheel and trying my best!
I hope you are getting on well with your spinning. It is nice to know that there are others going through the same learning curve!