Yarn Along and a sense of order

It’s Wednesday, which means that it’s Ginny’s Yarn Along already.

I’ve cast on another pair of stripey fingerless gloves. Mainly so that I can make a bit more of a dent in my left over wool stash. This pair will probably end up in my stash of presents-in-waiting. It will be good to get a few more done and put away. I’m a little distracted by my hexagon quilting project, otherwise this glove would be part of a pair by now.

While knitting, I’ve been musing about how to finish my patchwork knitted blanket and I’ve figured out a perfect way forward. Expect to see one pair of finished gloves and a knitted blanket on my needles next week. There. Now I’ve said it, so I’m going to have to do it.

Book wise, I finished Charmed Life, which was very good. I’ve now passed it on to AJ and ordered the rest of the series from the library. AJ reads at such a rate, that I like to check out extra books to see if they are suitable for my nine year old. It’s the old problem of reading age not matching real age. She did phenomenally well in her reading comprehension test this term, so I know that it is all going in! Makes it even more important that she reads books that are right for her age. She has found some books unsettling, despite them being promoted as being in her age range. I could put it down to different life experiences. I think another explanation might be that she is understanding more and is starting to pick up on the bits that grown-ups might read into the story. Makes book choices even more important.

She passed over Moominpappa at Sea to me, which she loved and totally suitable for her. I’ve been re-reading some Miss Marple books. Not for her. For me! I think they are appealing to my current de-cluttering mood as they provide a wonderful order to life. People take tea at set times and set days with neighbours. The lady of the house invites people over by letter. You can almost guarantee that you will have met the murderer by the end of the second chapter.

The pace is less hurried. Miss Marple sets her knitting down to quietly explain how the maid could not possibly have seen anything, as it was her afternoon off. It’s a world that looks in control. Where meal plans and food orders would happen like clockwork. Bed sheets would be changed and laundered on a fixed day. I’m sure Miss Marple would make a wonderful neighbour, except for the inevitable murders that happen whenever she is around. Not sure I need that kind of excitement.

For more reading and knitting, head on over to Ginny’s.


    1. I think 2012 may be my stripey year. They are quite fun and make the yarn go that little bit further. Although I’m not too keen on sewing in the ends!

  1. I love the colour of the new mittens. I know what it is like to have readaholics in the house. Genevieve can never have too many books waiting to read. I hope you find some more suitable books for your daughter.
    Anne xx

    1. Our house is full of books and she is working through them, very fast. The library people have seen me a bit more often in the last few months! I’m so pleased that she is enjoying reading, but I’m barely ahead of her sometimes.

  2. Your knitting looks lovely and I am looking forward to seeing your finished blanket.
    I do understand about finding age suitable books as I have the same problem for my fourteen year old son. I was shocked at some of the books suggested for him!
    Happy yarn along.

    1. She is often drawn to an amazing front cover. Aren’t we all! I’m reading a lot of reviews at the moment, which helps to narrow down the choice.

  3. Getting ahead in the gift making department is to be applauded, love the stripey mitts…….and I too need the calmness and order that Miss marple always imparts. x

    1. Not sure how long I’ll be able to keep up the putting-presents-aside, but each one helps. I think an hour each week, sitting and knitting with Miss Marple would do wonders though!

  4. I must go read some Miss Marple…the idea of structure and order is very appealing at the moment..it’s somehow a bit of a Mid-Winter stress time…
    I can’t remember.. has AJ read The Ordinary Princess by MM Kaye ?..other recommends from BK would be Lassie Come Home by Eric Knight, My Friend Flicka by ? (can’t remember need new brain)
    “Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is a juvenile fiction novel by Brandon Sanderson”, is a very popular hit with my two at the moment ..can I confess I haven’t checked it out myself but much quoting of funny bits has ensued and no nightmares sofar… btw those mittens are making me itch to find my knitting needles ….perhaps I could listen to Miss Marple on tape and sneak in a bit of knitting ?

    1. Oh Val – you are so good at suggesting suitable books. I’ll add these to my library list. No nightmares sounds like a good recommendation to me. She isn’t reading the obviously choices for girls. Miss Marple on tape does sound good. It would be easy to knit to.

  5. I have read all of Agatha Christie’s books more than twenty years ago. I always loved the Miss Marple ones! I love how the mitts are using up the left over yarns!! Gives you an excuse to buy more!!

    1. I used to read them when I commuted by bus. Its fun to be rereading. Left over yarn means that the next mittens are always waiting in the wings, especially with my stash. Trying hard to resist replenishing my stash. Its tough!

  6. I have an 8 year old avid reader too. It’s a challenge to keep ahead of her on the reading. If a book is questionable, we make it a read aloud book so that we can talk about it and decide together if we should continue with it. It’s helped her if she was frightened or if I felt the content wasn’t appropriate.
    I’m waiting to see about “My Friend Flicka”. The drama about an injured horse might make her overly emotional. We’ll see.
    The gloves look really great!

    1. Good idea to read aloud. I am enjoying reading books at the same time as her. We have fun talking about the books. They don’t seem to discuss their reading choices at school. Or maybe its just her, but at least we can do that at home.

    1. Ah you should see all the housework that I’ve ignored. Really, you would change your mind. Easily diverted is probably nearer the mark. 😀

      I like Poirot, but I prefer Miss Marple, just a tad more. Go read. You’ll love it.

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