Joining in Ginny’s Yarn Along today. Books and yarn.
With all the rain that we have had in the last few days, I’ve made good progress on my cardigan. I have to stop calling it a shrug, as it is too long to fit most people’s ideas of a shrug and it is going to have lots more buttons. So I’m calling it a cardigan.
I decided to rip out a couple of inches at the hem and re-knit it with a curve. Looks much softer and I’ll be happy to wear it. I’m just finishing the crochet border. It has quite a unique look about it.
I’m still reading The Hive. It is an intriguing book and will take me some time to read. I love that it brings in the everyday world history. Always with the bees as the common theme. I’ve just finished reading about the introduction and spread of honey bees into the US. Just moved onto the early hives in Poland, which were shaped as human beings.
Just as an aside, but there is so much in this book, that I can’t help wondering how the media can sum it up in one word. As common in so many books, inside the front cover are quotes from various magazines and newspapers. I know that there is not much room to print a whole critique on a book for all possible publications, but I can’t help wondering if some journalists have actually read the book, when they can sum it up in one word. Makes me question their opinion, when they use just one word. What have they not said?
On a lighter note, I’ll include TF’s book recommendation of the week. Wendel’s Workshop is a big hit. As a little chap, who enjoys making and construction, the antics of Wendel really appeal to TF. I love the illustrations as well. Apart from Wendel being a sweet looking mouse, its fun to try and spot the scrap being turned into robots.
Hello to all fellow Yarn-Alongers. I’ll be over later to catch up on your yarn creations and books. I’d love to know that you dropped by.
Wendell is quite cute in his discontent in that photo. I also wonder about reviews. Some times I find it so are to concisely write about what I have read and truly do the work justice. However The Hive does sound intriguing.
I’d rather read a short review like “I couldn’t put it down” rather than “Amazing”. One word reviews always seem like the product of a random word generator! (Off my soap box) Wendel is very sweet looking and has inspired two inventors in the family into a making frenzy.
I’m so looking forward to seeing your finished shrug/cardi! I’m sure I said it before but I just love that yarn. I bet it’s going to be a pleasure to wear!
I’m hoping to persuade one of the children to model it for me. I tried a self portrait in the mirror and it just didn’t work! I did wear it one evening while I was deciding on the hem shape and it is lovely to wear.
TF’s recommendation sounds perfect…I really miss having any little kiddies to read to…
I’m loving this time, when I can read stories to them and hear their reactions. It will go too soon.
wendell’s workshop looks quite adorable!!
can’t wait to see the finished cardigan – it’s going to be stunning!!
I can’t wait to finish it, although I am really enjoying making it, so I don’t want to stop! I shall have to spin up more of this fleece.
Rainy weather’s great for getting on with knitting projects, I’m liking the sound of a curved hem, can’t wait to see the finished cardigan. xx
The original hem was square and seemed flappy. More like a super hero cape! Not fitted at all. I think after blocking, the curve will be more flattering. Unfortunately super powers did not accompany the original look.
The Hive just arrived here – I am excited to get reading but have to finish a few things first…I am even more intrigued after todays post!
Eek! I hope you like it. We will have to compare notes.
Love the look of your cardigan, I bet you cannot wait until it is all knit up and ready to wear!!
I think it will turn into a favourite, although it is not a run of the mill look!
The wool for your sweaters is lovely. Looking forward to seeing the finished cardigan. The Hive sounds like my kind of book. I will have to see if I can get it through our library. Thanks for stopping by for a blog visit today. Blessings ~ Elizabeth
I hope you enjoy the Hive. If you like bees then it makes an interesting read.
Your book sounds fascinating. I’ll have to check if our library has it.
So much in the book. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for sharing about Wendel’s Workshop, I know my son will LOVE it!
If your son is anything like mine, I’m sure he’ll love it. Although don’t be surprised if lots of inventing happens round the house after he has read it.
Adding your bee book to my list. I am going to a bee keeping workshop this month and hope to have a hive next year. The book sounds very interesting. Looking forward to seeing your cardi all knit up.
I would love to have bees. One day. I hope you enjoy your course.
Cheryl, your comment made me smile. Please let me send you an Eloise Wilkin book. It would be no trouble at all. You can’t go through life not owning at least one. We have plenty. Send me your details.
Dear Jodi. You have made me smile now! They are sweet looking books.