First day back at school today. School bags packed, PE bags sorted and lunch made. Children dressed accordingly. Homework completed.
Children lovingly deposited in correct areas of the playground. Friends greeted. Missing various bits and pieces that they forgot to tell me that they needed.
Almost all after school activities set up. Calendar updated.
Back home alone for a cup of tea and to munch a cake made by children.
Back to the routine, almost as if no holiday had interrupted it.
Hit by first day blues. Hmp!
Can I pick them up from school yet?
I’m putting the comments back on and looking forward to catching up with everyone.
(Our garden butterflies. From top: Comma, Peacock, Peacock, Meadow Brown, Magpie moth, Tortoise shell, Red Admiral)
I know.
Having that coffee right now and thinking of half-term! I think it takes me longer to get back into the routine of dd not being here.
Good to see you x
They all came home cheerful. Chatting about what they had done on their first day back. What more could I ask for?
I’m planning half term too.
I know what you are feeling Cheryl, although Henry doesn’t go back until Thursday, so I have a couple more days with him yet
It will feel empty here without his happy chatter and ideas. We shall just have to plan fun days for the next holiday with our wee (and not so wee) ones xx
I think it is their energy I miss most. Lots of ideas, all to be completed as soon as possible.
You’re right. Time to plan.
Whoo hoo you’re back :0)
Gosh you’ve done soooo much better than I have blogging over Summer..and some very lovely posts too I may add :0)…I must follow your example and catch up soon but first the laundry ahhhhhgh!
(Just today I’d suggest chocolate for the blues)
Youngest left me a chocolate lollipop to go with my morning coffee. I think my five year old son knows me well!
Yes, laundry to do…..