Spinning the children a yarn

I’ve been sorting and washing the Jacob sheep fleece that my Mother-In-Law brought over, back in June. It is taking longer than I imagined. I made the most of the good weather last week and processed the fleece outside, while the children played. As they collected acorns from around the oak tree, they hatched a plan to dye some of the fleece with the acorns.

Now, I’ve been reading up about natural dying and the idea of the children simmering acorns and fleece on top of the Aga, just seemed a bit more than I wanted to handle at that moment. I needed a more hands-on, fun method. So they each washed their handful of fleece in a bowl of warm water and detergent. Taking care not to felt it.

They added food colouring…. and then some more. They stirred a little. Just enough. We left it soaking over night and let it dry for another day.

I spun and plied it with some of the merino I already had on the bobbin. Voila. Three little balls of yarn.

Then each ball was knitted into a bracelet and a wooden button added. I think they liked them. I know they love the colours. My three little musketeers.

I’m putting the acorns aside for something else.


  1. Lovely, I bet they enjoyed that.
    Something my daughter loves and other children I’ve done this with is Solar Dyeing just in a jar or kilner jar – if you know we’re going to get some decent sunshine days, or if you help it by putting it inside by a sunny window or greenhouse. Use something natural again (plants, bark, seeds) and leave it in the sun for a while and it’s amazing the results you can get – something fun to watch the changes too. Maybe you’ve already done this with them but thought it worth a mention.

  2. I love this post, your children are so lucky to have a mama who takes the time to teach her children such wonderful crafts, very pretty bracelets.

    lily x

  3. Wonderful… from start to finish!! I love that they each washed their own fleece, then chose their own colors. And then they got to witness the mama magic that turned their raw material into a fashion statement!

    Blessings, Debbie

    1. Hopefuly this winter they are going to see jumpers made from start to finish. I love that my children don’t instantly assume that clothes are bought. More likely to assume that they can be made. Reality is that I don’t have the time to make everything.

    1. No, the buttons were an unusual find in my local craft shop. We are about to cut down a cherry tree and I’m eyeing up the branches for buttons and shawl pins and the trunk for wooden platters. Can’t wait!

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