Half term has been and gone. It was quiet and busy at the same time. The children have reached the age where they’re in and out without much involvement from me. Meeting up with old school mates on bikes or catching a bus into town with friends for a spot of shopping. Not that they didn’t need a lift sometimes, but the tide is definitely turning. Eldest is already gearing up to the idea of learning to drive in a few months time.
Anyway. I did magic up a day to myself during the week. I’d noticed that Aldi have been stocking fat quarters. Basically fabric that is cut into a rectangle and bundled into packs of maybe 6 different prints. The size is good for cutting and the prints are fun for mixing when it comes to patchworking.
The nearest Aldi is about half an hour away from us. Not convenient as a weekly shop, but fun to drop into when we’re passing. A couple of weekends ago, we popped in to pick up a few frozen desserts, which are so handy to have in the freezer. While we were there, I had a look at the crafting section too.
Needless to say, we left with our stack of puddings and a couple of packs of fat quarters.
After some deliberation (read procrastination), I settled for the evening star block. Using just the fabric out of the packs. I washed and ironed them. I know some people say not to wash fat quarters until they are all stitched up. I’m definitely on the side of letting them shrink before I sew. I like to see what I’m working with and get an idea of the finished size. They certainly did shrink.
I cut out 108 squares in one afternoon. Determined to finish the day with a stack of neat fabric squares. I’m making a quilt and two cushion covers.
I’ve finished five blocks out of the sixteen I’m planning on doing for the quilt. They are fairly quick to put together. I’m aiming to complete a block a day. I need a rhythm to keep going with a project otherwise it goes on the work-in-progress pile if I’m not careful. Happens in a blink of an eye.
The fabrics are more pastel than I’d usually go for. Never a bad thing to shake it up. I may make it a little bit more me with the colour in between the blocks. I’m still undecided. Maybe blue or yellow. Definitely something strong.
As for the puddings, we’ve eaten one so far. Cherry and custard tart. It was very moreish.
In the evenings, I’ve been cracking on with my long line purple cardigan. Tantalizingly nearly finished. All the parts are knitted up. I’ve started putting it together. Working on the neckline, in my favourite two knit, two purl ribbing. Not long now.
Irony is that it should be ready to see out the warmest February we’ve had. I’m pretty sure I don’t usually have the washing out on the line in February. I’ve not needed to use the tumble dryer once in the last few days. Daffodils are out, bumble bees are buzzing and blue skies are being enjoyed by all. Spring is here, it seems.
Right back to work. Have you tried the Aldi fat quarters? What do you think of them?
(edited: quilt top finished here)
Daffodils! Bumble bees! Oh, it sounds so lovely. I am also making a quilt, from scraps. Not as precise or neat-looking as yours.
And butterflies too. Crazy for this time of year. Looking forward to seeing your quilt. Love quilts made from scraps.