The sun has come out today and the snow is falling off branches and roof tops. From the quiet of a snow lined world, it is suddenly very noisy as the melting snow hits the ground. It crackles and thuds. I couldn’t resist rushing out and taking some photos.
I love the effect of the sun light on the snow. We had a few more inches of snow on Tuesday and Wednesday, which has covered up the footprints and blown around creating a bumpy surface. I’ll get these photos out next time I do a snow craft activity with the children, to remind them that snow is not always smooth.
With all the extra snow, our snowman literally grew fatter before our eyes, with no help from us. His hat is covered in snow.
We’ve been spotting the tracks in the snow, but I’ll admit this one has baffled me. It is new and more than an arm’s length from any footprints. No trees overhead, just random straight lines about 20cm long.
They form a trail curving off to the blackcurrant bushes. Mysterious.
I suspect that the snow will be off the roof before the day is out. On the radio this morning, they were talking about the inevitable floods that will follow. (Like we haven’t had enough of those.) Someone was suggesting that if we made armies of snowmen, which would thaw more slowly as they are more compact, then it would lessen the surge of thawed water. I couldn’t help smiling at the thought of armies of school children being bused around the place to make snowmen. Or at the PhD students calculating how big these snowmen would have to be per square metre of snow laden, at-risk land. Cute idea, but probably not practical.
edited: We went out and investigated after school. There are power lines crossing the garden near the trail. It may be ice and snow being blown off the wires. Maybe the wires were swinging so the ice didn’t fall directly underneath. I was surprised that the lines in the snow are not parallel to each other.May be to do with the tumble. Also the trail vers away from the line above, but it’s the most feasible explanation we could come up with.
Love those bumpy snow landscapes, what odd lines (?).
Mostly thawed here, and welcoming colour back into the world.
Not clear yet. Still a thick covering everywhere. At least the roads are clear.
I’m also mystified by the tracks in the snow, I’ve sat and pondered on what they could be and can’t come up with anything. All I thought was it might be a tail mark but then the little feet marks would be there also. I’ve looked up tracks and there’s nothing like it there.
Oo arh, they might be extra terrestrial…lol
Do let my know if you find out
I think we’ve solved the mystery. I’ve added the explanation to the bottom of the post.
the “army of snowmen” idea made me laugh!
It would be a fantastic sight.
Oh my goodness… I love your house!!! But we just could not survive your cold… nope!!! It all looks so very pretty and so cold!!! Hope you have a cosy weekend!!!
I adore your idea of making an army of snowmen… I can just see it!
Heavens! I lay no claim to the idea. It would be fun to see.