So the summer list begins

poi spinning 2

BL has decided the summer list for 2014 needs to be started. She loved last year’s so much, and she is brimming over with new ideas. Not that she’s going to leave off any favourites from last year.

poi spinning 3

A new one on the list is poi spinning. All three children want to learn to use my poi properly. We’ve made a start. I taught AJ a few moves and she taught BL, who will in turn teach TF (maybe with my help). Our cottage ceilings are so low that there is no chance of doing this inside. For us, it is very much a summer activity that we do outside.

poi spinning

I’m no expert, but I love poi spinning and I can see the children are enjoying it too. It takes a lot of coordination and concentration to stop the strings becoming tangled.

At the end of our session, the two girls decided to make up a dance routine, using one poi each. They had so much fun. It really was a joy to watch.

bug houseAnother activity on the list is making bug houses. BL helped her father collect bamboo and cut it down to size. They resurrected an old bug house and wedging the cut down lengths into the house.

We already have a couple of bug houses in the garden, which the bees are busy filling. This new one will soon be up with them. Cutting up the bamboo is a slow process. I’m sure she will be out in the workshop again this weekend, helping.bug house making

So two activities from the summer list are on the way. Judging by her list, I think we are all in for an interesting time! It is a nice respite from all the hurly burly of end of term plays, concerts and trips still to prepare for.

Joining in with the ever inspiring Fiona, over at Coombe Mill, with the #CountryKids linky. Over later to see what everyone else is up to, once the summer fete is ticked off today.


  1. I have to admit I have never heard of poi spinning 🙂 It does look like she is having a wonderful time! We haven’t been very organised this year with a list, too busy packing houses, but we’re managing to get out and about for adventures 🙂 #CountryKids

    1. Realised that I didn’t take a photo of them practising with the pair of poi together. They should have one in each hand. I’m sure I’ll get many chances this summer. Packing up the house feels like a full time job, let alone planning a summer list. I’m sure it must be exciting for the children too.

    1. It is elegant. I used to love watching people spin and wanted to have a go. Found out that it is even better doing it for yourself. Combination of concentration and rhythm makes it very relaxing. A good way to unwind. The children love it too. Brilliant for coordination skills.

  2. I love the idea of Poi spinning – I’m sure that takes a lot of concentration and skill; together with the bug houses this is a great start to this Summer’s activities. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. It does take concentration. Always a few bumps when you’re learning. People, who know what they are doing, make it look very easy.

    1. If you have a sunny spot and flowers cose by, I bet they would find your bug house. We have one house that is several metres from anything flowering, and it is as active as the other houses.

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