Autumn Equinox has passed and the season is changing. The rhythm of our lives subtly changes too. Falling into line. By stealth, stealing our evenings and refocusing our activities.
I still sit out on our swinging bench each evening, after shutting the hens away, but not so long. Even the dogs head back to the kitchen, rather than settling on the damp grass. Who can blame them?
This week I started to collect the apple windfalls. It will be a couple more weeks for the main crop, but I cannot resist taking the odd eating apple straight from the tree. Slightly sharp, but full of flavour.
It won’t be long before the family expect homemade apple pies, readily available in the fridge again. It is autumn after all.
The tomatoes are cropping. Tigerellas. More ripen every day. My evenings are spent processing and putting away yummy meals for the colder months.
I do love all the red garden goodies at this time of year.
The garden visitors are changing too. The swifts are starting to group before they head back to Africa. The garden warblers are no longer visiting our fennel. They must have set out on the journey already.
The bats have moved on to their autumn roost in the woods. I miss their evening flight. It does mean we can repair that part of the roof. They will be back to their maternity roost in our attic, come spring, so the builders have strict instructions not to seal it up.
The children are settled back into the rhythm of school. After school clubs are reinstated. They each have two music lessons and should have one sport but we are still to agree on a sporty activity for the two older ones. We’ll get there.
I’m starting to tutor in maths this autumn. An exciting change. Setting it up and adding it into the rhythm of our week.
And finally, I am back to knitting. Challenging myself to finish so many centimetres per evening. I want to be ready for Christmas this year. Hopefully, homemade goodies to gift.
I revel in the rhythm of the year. No point in booking out a week to sow or harvest, on a wall planner. Just the vague outlines of spring or autumn. Nor time marked out to turn the harvest into preserves. When the time is right, it is right.
The rhythm has changed and brings exciting times with it. I’ll miss the summer, but I can enjoy the memories. Even if it’s only via photos or completing a few crafting projects.
(work in progress – needlefelting project)
Can’t wait to see what new crafts you have in store for us this autumn! I’m so envious you have a swinging bench. Would love to have that. Our dream home is to have a surrounding porch (like the ones we see in American houses) and a swinning bench in each corner
I do love my swinging bench.
Autumn is definitely here, and you’re so right, it does steal the evenings away like that, doesn’t it? Sounds like you’ve still plenty to keep you busy. I’m missing the summer, too, but yes, the memories are there and autumn is a beautiful time of year. Thanks for sharing with #WotW
I don’t think I have a favourite season. Probably whichever it is at the time.
Your photos are lovely and it really looks like you are into the rhythm of Autumn.
It does creep up.
Ah I miss our Bats too, it means summer is over when they move on, gorgeous shots of the garden I really need to get more evergreens for our garden as it all dies off this time of year x
They’ll be back next year.
A great word for the week. We picked up windfall apples tonight for hubby to make apple sauce with. We have plenty of tomatoes but few of them red yet so I brought some in and popped them in a bag with a banana.
Never mastered three needle knitting, and your felting intrigues me, going to have to read more of your blog.
Thanks for the tip about bananas. I’ll have to try and remember that one. Three needles is not too hard, once you get into the rhythm.
Thanks for the tip about bananas. I’ll have to try and remember that one. Three needles is not too hard, once you get into the rhythm.
Summer was lovely and long this year but Autumn is one of my favourite times of year, and whilst the evenings are drawing in I find the evenings are cosy inside with the candles on. We plan on picking our apples tomorrow but I’m not sure we’re going to have such a bounty as you’ve had.
Have a lovely weekend
Cosy evenings are a definite autumn perk.
It’s happening here in Michigan, too. I’ve eight buckets of Romas to can into salsa, two potholders and a yarn-made frog on my hook, coffee in the pot, and leaves turning colors out side of the window. They say the apple crop here was enormous, so I’m hoping that – like five years ago – the excess will be offered for cheap to people, as I have a homemade cider press…
Oh goodness. That is a good crop of tomatoes. Love the making and baking of autumn. Hope you find apples. A cider press is on my list. It would be ideal for all our apples.
Hi Cheryl, what a lovely post. I could feel the change in the rhythm of the season throughout. Tonight is the first evening my husband has sat outside with a sweatshirt on, so the evenings are cooling down here too. A good excuse to take things inside and enjoy doing something different.
What a beautiful post. The summer may be over, but it is so nice to welcome in the autumnal months with cosy nights infront of the tv, or a nice walk in all of your snuggly winter woolies!
And a perfect time to crack on with your craft projects too.
Thank you so much for joining in with #MMBC for the first time. I hope you can make it tomorrow too! xx
I love Autumn too, but then I think I love how all the seasons come and go and the changes they bring. It sounds like you live in a wonderful place, so much going on… not sure about the bats though xx
I do love autumn and the colours in the knitting are beautiful. I am glad that everything as slipped into place regarding school X #wotw
Love tigerella tomatoes – so pretty and so tasty. It’s a great time of year isn’t it for stocking up for the days ahead. #wotw