Oh goodness! It’s Friday again. With the clocks changed to British Summer Time, it seems to have signalled “all-go” in our household. We reclaimed the garden over the weekend. Grass cut. Seeds in post. Flowering bulbs in pots moved to places that they will be seen. Even washing on the line. It feels good to be back out in the garden and making a difference.
Even found the snake’s head fritillary, which I planted last year. It survived the winter and is in full flower. Ridiculously happy to see it. First time I’ve managed to preserve it from one year to the next. Suspect the secret is to totally ignore it and just be pleased to see it when it pops up again. I’m hoping it will be happy in its spot. Spreading and popping up each year, from now on. I love the shape and pattern of the flower.
The early part of the week was consumed by getting the Teen ready for her school trip to Italy. That’s right. We sent our first-born to Europe the day that Article 50 was triggered. It feels rebellious, but, of course, it is just coincidence. She is now swanning around Pompeii and climbing Vesuvius. Judging by her texts, she is loving it. It was strange thinking of her taking a plane trip that I have taken so many times.
I have been reliving my childhood. I used to live in the region when I has her age, so all the children have grown up with my tales of Napoli and the surrounding area. Telling her what it would be like, brought back so many memories. I could remember just how it felt to be there. I’m now even more determined that I will revisit and take all the family.
I can’t wait to hear how she got on and see her photos.
Down to earth again. My hexagon quilt, I made years ago, sprang a hole over the winter. Just one hexagon, but, my eye was forever being drawn to it. I knew I still had a few hexagons left over in the right fabric. A definite benefit to making something like this is that mending it is easier. Always the right materials around to blend in and hide the tear. So long as you can find them, of course.
This week I found the bag with all my spares and finally patched it. I love this quilt so much and there was something comforting about revisiting it again with a needle and thread.
A week that has flashed by. Full of revisits in one way or another.
Joining in with #wotw linky.
I love your photos. I remember the first time my older kids went abroad on their own, I hope your daughter has a fantastic time.
It’s her third time abroad with the school, but first time on the plane. Furthest she has been away from us!
It is great to be back in the garden again. I have a snake’s head fritillary, too, and I’m pleased to see mine. It did come back last year and I’ve done nothing with it, so yes, the key must be ignore it then be happy to see it! I hope you get to take the family to revisit Italy and hope your daughter has a wonderful time there x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
It is fun to see what comes up each year. Yes, she had a great time and I really hope to get them all over to that part of the world at some point.
Lovely Photos! That fritillary is Gorgeous and the girl is in Italy!
I hope she has a fantastic time …I know everyone says they grow so fast but it doesn’t seem to stop it being true does it…. gosh .
I love to see well loved items mended ..it adds to their charm and is very satisfying and comforting somehow …do I sound crackers?
Have a lovely weekend!
Tell me about it! So fast. I’m really looking forward to hearing about her adventures. I don’t think you’re crackers, at all. Says so much about the item that someone spends time repairing it, rather than chucking it away. Hope you have a lovely weekend too.
Napoli! My father was born in Caserta, but came here as a baby.
Not far from where we used to live. Hope you have visited. Such a beautiful area.
Italy is a lovely place and I’m sure she will enjoy it. #WotW
She did. She had a wonderful time. I think this has been her best trip yet.
Sounds like a lovely week. It’s nice to be able to get into the garden and make changes. Glad to hear that the snakes head fritillary survived the winter. Hope your daughter is enjoying her trip to Italy – and how lovely that her visit is bringing back memories for you too
Wonderful to be back in the garden. Thank you. She did enjoy her visit.
I agree with you, this week has whizzed past and I still don’t feel like we’ve caught up on missing out on an hour!
How lovely that your daughter is in Italy, I bet you miss her.
It is good to get back into the garden – Spring is certainly here to stay!
I missed her like crazy, but she had such a good time that I really couldn’t begrudge her her trip. Loving being back in the garden, too.