Mouse 1: “Anyone know what is going on?”
Mouse 2: “Absolutely no idea. I was just told to meet here.”
Mouse 3: “Wow. Did you see that?”
Mouse 4: “Where did he go? The mouse beside me just disappeared.”
Mouse 5: “She’s got me! She’s got me by the nose.”
Mouse 6: “Right, let’s just stick together.”
Mouse 7: “You look that way and I’ll cover your back.”
Mouse 6: “Ahh!”
Mouse 3: “Quick, play dead!”
AJ did the honours and helped select the winners of my little origami mice giveaway. Leaving just two mice.
3 – Rebecca from Bending Birches
5 – Dawn from Raising Seedlings.
Rebecca and Dawn, email me .
Thank you everyone who joined in my mouse fun.
{No mice were harmed during the selection process. They were released in the children’s bedrooms and are now resisting all attempts to be recaptured.}
I love this post

The mice saw the funny side. Eventually.
Arghh, I forgot to enter your giveaway, but this post made me laugh out loud. I can’t get the picture of all your origami mice talking to each other out of my head now!
Very chatty bunch. I think I’m OK at the moment. I’m not answering them back. Yet.
Wonderfully clever way of posting your winner!! I wish I had been in on the draw, your mice are great … Blessings, Debbie
I’m glad you liked the mice. They are very addictive to make, like all successful origami projects. I may need a Pied Piper soon.
Oh, sorry been so busy I forgot about the giveaway, ooh excited that I was one of the winners, thankyou – will email you, so sorry for the delay.
Love the story x
So lovely the way you picked the numbers! These mice are just too cute.