Return of the Mice

Mouse 1: “Anyone know what is going on?”

Mouse 2: “Absolutely no idea. I was just told to meet here.”

Mouse 3: “Wow. Did you see that?”

Mouse 4: “Where did he go? The mouse beside me just disappeared.”

Mouse 5: “She’s got me! She’s got me by the nose.”

Mouse 6: “Right, let’s just stick together.”

Mouse 7: “You look that way and I’ll cover your back.”

Mouse 6: “Ahh!”

Mouse 3: “Quick, play dead!”

AJ did the honours and helped select the winners of my little origami mice giveaway. Leaving just two mice.


3 – Rebecca from Bending Birches


5 –  Dawn from Raising Seedlings.

Rebecca and Dawn, email me .

Thank you everyone who joined in my mouse fun.

{No mice were harmed during the selection process. They were released in the children’s bedrooms and are now resisting all attempts to  be recaptured.}


  1. Arghh, I forgot to enter your giveaway, but this post made me laugh out loud. I can’t get the picture of all your origami mice talking to each other out of my head now!

    1. I’m glad you liked the mice. They are very addictive to make, like all successful origami projects. I may need a Pied Piper soon.

  2. Oh, sorry been so busy I forgot about the giveaway, ooh excited that I was one of the winners, thankyou – will email you, so sorry for the delay.

    Love the story x

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