There is no denying that spring is gathering momentum. I keep finding small clumps of flowers budding up in unexpected corners, around the garden. While weeds are gaining an advantage in other areas.
Always the way. “Remove weeds” glides effortlessly to the top of my weekend list.
It’s not the only area that’s growing. Earlier this week, I mentioned how the children are sprouting in height (muffin recipe here). Turns out that they are growing in confidence, self reliance and knowledge too.
The Teen returned from Italy, full of her adventures. She did have fun and has fallen in love with the country. (I knew she would.) This has probably been one of the most successful residential school trips she has been on. I am full of admiration for the teachers that take students on these outings. Whether for a day, a week or longer. They deserve recognition.
I really believe that this sort of expedition teaches children more than the theme of the trip. The Teen has grown in confidence and self-reliance. Something that would be harder to achieve if we were with her, always at the ready to step in whenever she needed us. Instead, she has had experiences to reinforce and add to her belief in herself. She has grown, in height as well, but also in herself.
Middle daughter has also grown. She is over mid way through her first year at secondary. This week, all her hard work was singled out and recognized by the school. No mean feat in a large school. Wonderful for us all to hear, but even more importantly, confidence building for her. There is a definite skip in her step, and an easy smile, at the moment.
I’ve been busy too. Our windowsills are heavy with seed trays. Seedlings erupting through the soil, when my back is turned. I’m particularly pleased with my sweetcorn. Last year, I saved a few of the old cobs that we grew. A couple of weekends ago, I planted them in pots, with only a half-hearted thought that they would grow.
Turns out they did. I have about 100 plants coming up. I can make room for them all in the kitchen garden, but I don’t want to get carried away and count my chickens before they hatch. Who knows what kind of cobs they will produce. Fingers crossed, but if they all succeed, I have images of a farm stall at the end of our drive, with the children spending late summer, selling armfuls of sweetcorn cobs. Maybe wearing dungarees and straw hats. Probably taking it too far.
A girl can dream.
Our squashes, cucumbers and cabbage are doing well too. I’m following the three sister planting approach again. I can’t help smiling at all the trays of seedlings. It looks like a miniature version of our kitchen garden tucked up on the windowsills for now. In a few months time the few square foot will scale up to metres by metres of growing food outside. I hope.
I’m back to crocheting my garden bunting, from last year. Yes, this is garden twine I’m using. No, it is not the easiest thing to crochet with. I must be mad. I did up the size of my hook in an attempt to make it easier, but the squares were loopy and loose. So back to the 4.0 mm hook. One square a day is about all I can manage before my hands ache too much. Growing, but slowly.
Last day of term before the school holidays begin. Phew. Lots to do. Before I forget, must add new school trousers to my list. Couldn’t help noticing that there is a little bit more ankle been shown recently, by two of the children.
They grow. No arguing with that.
Word of the week. Grow.
It sounds like your children are growing in more ways than one! It is a scary and rewarding time. Last night I caught a random glimpse of my biggest girl and suddenly had a flash of what she would look like as a teen. Stop growing!!! Your seedlings are doing very well, I must get round to doing something in my garden rather than sitting down enjoying the sunshine! #wotw
It is most definitely a rewarding time. I know what you mean about catching glimpses of how they will be. No longer as little as we imagine. Hope you get your gardening time soon.
My two keep growing, and you have made me stop and think, because they too are growing both literally and in confidence. It’s wonderful to see. I’m glad your daughter had a wonderful trip and you’re right, it’s about more than the purpose of the trip, so much to be learned going off without family to support them. Well done to your daughter for her recognition at school, she should be proud of herself and lovely to think it’s given her those easy smiles. Well done to you on your growing! Love your straw hat dream! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
It was a good growing week. I may still invest in a straw hat or three!
OH, I swear my girl grow in her sleep, she got up this morning and her pyjamas didn’t fit!!
I can’t wait to see your finished garland, I keep hoping I can get back to crochet before I lose the use of my hands. I’m glad your daughter got on so well in Italy, what a lovely experience. The furthest I went with my school was Barry Island, but at least my older kids have done lots of travelling. A couple of years ago my eldest daughter went to America by herself
She landed in Washington in a snow storm, miles away from the airport her friend was waiting in. She had help from an American Navy officer who drove her to her hotel. This was all happening while I was at home sleeping, blissfully unaware.
She gained a lot of independence from that trip.
Oh goodness. Good job you slept through it. Sounds like she coped fabulously and I bet she is not phased by similar situations now.
Trousers and trainers are on my list! Good luck with the cobs. I wasn’t going to grow sweetcorn but now we have a second veg patch I am off and running with seedlings. Glad The Teen enjoyed herself and well done to your younger one for all her hard work.
I’m about to pot up the crowded sweetcorn tray. Can’t wait to see them growing outside.
hehehe! Fab word. Very similar to mine.
You have had a lot of growing….Your plants look fab! x
Thanks. Can’t wait to see them all planted out. The plants. Not the children.
Grow is the perfect word for the week. So glad your eldest daughter enjoyed her trip to Italy and has come back more confident as a result. Well done to your middle daughter too on being recognised for her hard work. I love seeing all the plants coming up in your seed trays and the mental image of your children in straw hats and dungarees selling corn cobs. Love the look of the garden bunting too
I’m just hoping I can persuade them. I think it would be an excellent USP for the sweetcorns
What a great word and so fitting, the weather is gorgeous hoorah for spring. Wow your teens is so lucky what an amazing experience I love Italy such a stunning country and how great to get to spend time there. Have a fab weekend and enjoy the sunshine x
I would have quite happily gone with her! Hope you had a good weekend.
Love the sound of the garden twine bunting, but not the hand ache that comes with it. I need to get on with some bunting but will most likely go the more traditional material route. Have a great weekend #wotw
Yes. I might opt for the traditional material next time too. I just had to try it.
Gorgeous post…..your growing plants look lovely!
We have full on” break up” at the moment (Lots of sun and massive melting going on )
Have a fun Spring break!
Thank you, Val. I can imagine the melting snow adds a lot of water to deal with. Ah well. At least you are on to spring.
I love your theme of growing! Is so true that our children often grow better without us there as safety nets! Fingers crossed for the corn on the cobs… #wotw
It’s such a privilege to see the children grow into the people they will become.
It’s lovely to read that yours are growing in confidence and self reliance. The crochet looks gorgeous and the plants sound like they are taking over. #WotW
This time of year, when you look from outside, it does look like we have amazing green window boxes. Especially the sweetcorn seedlings.
I love the first photo! It’s great to see Spring coming and the flowers appearing
Have a lovely week 
I think that’s my favourite photo too from this post.