If I was to list all the flowers I would have in a summer garden, poppies would be near the top. They are so beautiful and delicate, but short lived as flowers. Woe betide anyone who tries to pick them. Instant petal release. They are best admired where they have grown.
Not that the petals are everything. The seed heads have a beauty in their own right, and stick around longer. I admire the way the holes appear, as they dry, ready to disperse the finest of seeds. Like perfect pepper pots. The heads change colour too. Useful for crafting with.
I also love the way they stand tall, in groups. Hanging out together. I want to give them names.
“Hey, I’m Pete, and over there are Pam and Phil. They’re an item. And over here is Percy. Wave at the lady, Percy. He’s my best mate, and Pat and Penny too, just behind him. No idea who the other three are. They just tagged along.”
It amuses me at least.
Poppies definitely get a place in my summer garden.
Funnily enough I’ve just harvested our poppy seeds from our allotment – I love them too #MMBC
They are fun to sprinkle around.
I couldn’t agree more. Poppies are just stunning whether in bloom or not. #MMBC
They are beautiful.
I agree with you – the seed heads are cool! Great photo – and funny names! #MMBC
They do hang in groups.
I love this – there’s always beauty to be found in the most unexpected places! #MMBC
So true. There is always some beauty to spot and not always where you expect it.
I love that your sunflowers are chums and introduce themselves – lovely post! #MMBC
Flowers are very socialable.
At the other side of the lane outside the back of my house, near the cornfield there is a ton of poppies. They are beautiful flowers. x #MMBC
It’s lovely to see poppies popping up on field edges.