The holiday is over. The children went back to school today. The decorations are ready to be put away for another year. Hmm. As ever, I wish it had lasted longer. The weather kept us close to home and I know we all missed our usual walking adventures. It rained and blew, and no one was keen to venture out for a walk. Never mind. There is always a silver lining.
We spent our time crafting and playing. I caught up with some projects that have been waiting some time. I have finally backed my hexagon patchwork quilt and started quilting the layers together. I’ve opted to do it all by hand, rather than pulling out my sewing machine. It is such a lovely project. I know that this is going to take ages to complete, but I’m not impatient. An unusual feeling for me. I love that I can just pick it up and do it, whenever and wherever. I can see the progress and it is a very calming activity. Added bonus is that it keeps my knees warm in the evening, as I sew.
Other sewing projects include a Camelot themed waistcoat for TF, nightgowns for AJ and BL, neck pillows and patchwork mice.
Plenty of spinning. Two hanks processed from my the Jacobs fleece that we prepared over the summer. I still have more to spin before I can tackle the cream half of the fleece.
TF also has a new pair of home knitted socks. I used my favourite two needle sock pattern and new bamboo needles (smile). The socks knitted up very quickly. TF loved seeing his socks grow on the needles and was very pleased to wear them. I plan to churn out a few more pairs of these for the children. I also broke out the darning mushroom and mended three pairs of socks that I knitted awhile ago. I much prefer to make than mend, but it really is good to see these socks being worn again.
I’m not the only one making the most of the wet weather. We gave each of the children a circular weaving frame. They really enjoy sitting down and weaving. They chatter as they weave and I gather that they have big plans for their finished pieces. They spent so much time in imaginative play, playing with a new train set, building lego masterpieces and re-enacting battles with a new set of knights, that I’m not sure when these plans will take shape! I love to see them playing, especially when they all play together.
One project that is complete. TF made and painted his wooden helicopter, with help from his father.
So, we’ve kicked off the new year with lots of creativity. The weather may have been less than inviting, but we enjoyed our time off.
Happy new year to you
What great projects i have just finished my handmade hexagon quilt but i did machine quilt it in the end as i just wanted to get it finished but i will be starting another quilt real soon
They are so relaxing and rewarding. The weaving is great what lovely gifts for the girls. Enjoy all that you do, dee x
Happy New Year Delia. I was tempted to machine quilt, but I’m still enjoying the hand quilting. I’m really enjoying the making. Next quilts will be hand machined as they are for the children, who may not appreciate the slow process as much as I do!
I love your circular weaving frames! What a fun kids project.Did you make the frames?
No, I bought the frames. It would be fairly easy to make. An embroidery hoop and a fine drill would do the job. Seen similar using an old CD, but these frames have a hole in the middle which, I think, would make the set up and weaving easier.
Hey Cheyrl, where do you find those hoop weaving thingys? Did you make them?
I bought the frames from an online company in the UK. Once I realised that the instructions for setting up were the same as setting up one of those friendship bracelet wheels, my late night Christmas Eve became easier! Last minute, even though I had had the frames for a month!
It looks like lots of lovely things were made satisfying and beautiful!!!!
I almost made nothing for the children, but then I couldn’t stand the thought. I knew they would expect it (as well as the shop bought items!). Its got me going on sewing clothes for them again. I see lots more in 2012. Watch this space.
I’ll be watching :0)