Passing on Craft Skills

lavender bottle or wands craft on white 2Some childhood memories stay very vivid. One of mine was going to a County Craft Show. I was about 9. The show offered workshops in various craft skills. I desperately wanted to do the lace making. It was full, so my parents suggested hand smocking instead.

Turns out I was pretty good at it. I came home and made dresses for all my dolls. Doubly unusual as I was never into dressing and undressing my dolls, but I did like making clothes for them. A taste of things to come.lavender bottle or wands craft

Not only that but I taught several of my young friends how to hand smock too. Why am I writing this? Especially as my photos have nothing to do with smocking, or lace. I’m writing it to show how inspired I was by a short craft workshop. Back when I was 9.

lavender bottle or wands craft on white

This weekend I was asked to run a craft activity for the children at a summer fete. Just a short session and they really wanted me to do bath salts and bath scrubs. Again. Inside I slightly groaned.

I am primarily a textile crafter, but I have become known as the person to run bath bomb (tutorial here) and pampering, etc fun craft activities. I do it, but I’d rather be running other craft skill workshops as well. Inspiring the next generation. Just as I was back at the County Craft Show. Rather than running the same old, same old, to the same (lovely) group of children. I’m sure they would like something else too.

children craft activities fragranceSo this time I snuck a couple of other things in. I added a fragrant necklace and lavender bottles. Really to gauge whether people wanted to do something different. I added the lavender wand in to see if people would like to learn a skill as well as my usual fun craft activities. It’s an activity my children have been doing since they were 7, as a way to preserve the lavender harvest. It takes a little more skill and care, but the end product is pretty and useful.

So I’ve sown the seed. We’ll see if I get any feedback. You can but try.

Oh, and before I forget, I still haven’t learnt to make lace. I really should add it to my list.

Have you ever learnt a craft skill at a fete or country show?



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