Just occasionally, it’s nice to take time out with just one of the children. Precious moments, making memories. Last weekend, I took Youngest to Bristol. We headed to Brandon Hill for a nature scavenger hunt, arranged by Muddy Puddles.
We were given a spotting sheet and a colour sheet, and set off to explore the area.
The boy was on a mission. We ticked off quite a few on the spotting sheet. Some did stump us. No acorns, but we did count the oak flowers instead, so we ticked that instead. No problem finding cowslips and woodlice.
We also collected leaves and petals, to match the colours on the other sheet.
Squirrels were not on either list, but they are so friendly in the area, that we had to say hello.
Then at the end, we had enough collected leaves and flowers to arrange into patterns on the sticky sided plastic to make into a collage. He took great care putting this together. I’m afraid they didn’t stay quite in place when I manoeuvred the other side of the plastic over the top of them. We could have done with a few more hands to help.
It was a great day and he really enjoyed it. More than he thought he would. He had my full attention. I could target everything at his level, without him feeling he was in competition with his older sisters. I loved having time with him. It doesn’t happen often enough. They are running another one in June and already the boy has said that he wants to go. We’ll see.
That time alone with one is so special. I took Clio on my own to the woods the other day with the goat and that was lovely. We were only out an hour but it is time to catch up. Well done Muddy Puddles on setting this up and I love the idea of bringing back all the things you find to make a collage. I have something very similar er do here on the farm for Activity Hour. The sign of a successful day is that he wants to do it again. I hope you get the chance. Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids
Very true. If they want to go again, then it’s a sure sign that it wwas a good day.
What a fabulous nature scavenger hunt. I love the photos by the river and the views across Bristol and using sticky-back plastic to make a nature collage is a brilliant idea – will have to try this with my girls
It was a lovely setting. A nice change to go into the city to find nature.
What a lovely day out – and also now that I’ve seen the camper van fabric as a shirt in your sidebar I think I’m going to need to be really careful cutting the girls’ skirts, or send my mother in law for more so that Pip can match!
It does work exceedingly well as a shirt. Hope you have enough.
Hi Cheryl, what a lovely way to spend a bit of quality time with your son. It is nice to spend some one on one time with our children. I know when my two were young my son couldn’t/wouldn’t compete for attention with his sister, so I had to make sure I gave him time…. What is it with girls?
I do like the collage, although covering books with sticky back plastic is fiddly enough, so can imagine creating the collage wasn’t easy!
My beginning-of-the-school-year challenge is putting sticky back plastic on the school books. Sometimes I win, but othertimes the wrinkles get the better of me. I have two of them needing covered books this September. Oh the joy!
I really enjoyed your post and it has given me thought as to doing those activities with my daughter when she’s bigger. #countrykids
I hope you both have fun.
Great post and lovely photos. Looks like you had fun! I love the idea of the collage using sticky back plastic, it looks so cool! Definitely something that even uncraftsy me could manage to do
Thanks, Lauren. It’s a fun way to do display nature finds. Although getting the sticky back plastic flat is an art I am yet to perfect.
It looks like you had a lot of fun. X
It was fun. The best part was having time with the Boy.
What a lovely day spent one on one. Scavenger hunts are such a great way to explore nature and the local area. Lovely pics.
They are! I found areas of the park that I hadn’t seen before.