We make a summer bucket list each year. Not everything is ticked off before we find ourselves clambering around for sports bags and school shoes which I swore I had stowed in a sensible place this time. Some items on the list are old favourites. Flying kites and crazy golf are always there. Without fail.
This year, I think we have found another favourite. Messing around on the river.
In all fairness, we did hire a rowing boat last year, up in the Lake District, so maybe the tradition started last year.
This year, we hired a boat to go along the Kennet and Avon canal.
A very relaxing way to explore the canal. We took a picnic and headed along the canal from Limpey Stoke over to Bradford-upon-Avon. There are canal boats moored along the way.
The children didn’t grow bored of looking at each one and enjoying the names of the boats. They were intrigued at the idea that some people lived full time on the boats. Even spotted cats curled up in the sun on the boats. Some boats had the most amazing container gardens, providing them with fresh food.
Each of the children had a go at steering the boat. Eldest became quite proficient at it. This is not a speed boat. We were advised to stick to walking speed which suited me. It was perfect for wildlife spotting.
There were several herons along the banks. They obviously had the measure of the crazy humans in boats and realised that they were pretty safe, as they chose not to fly away, but to watch us. We spotted a lady shoo one out of her canal side garden, and it was most reluctant to leave. On our return trip, I noticed it was in another part of the same garden. A determined bird, who knew an easy meal, I think.
We also caught a glimpse of a kingfisher. There were a few little holes in the muddy banks, but no sign of their residents.
There were plenty of ducks that flocked as soon as they saw boats, in the hope of being fed.
Our route took us over an aquaduct which goes over the river Avon. It is quite a sight. Not easy to appreciate when you are on a boat, as the walls block the view. We have walked over it before.
We passed plenty of other people, enjoying the canal. There were canoes, paddle boards and narrow boats, of course. Lots of people obviously holidaying in narrow boats. Must be lovely to wake up in the morning, when it is quiet, and see the wildlife.
It was a fabulous afternoon. We really loved messing around on the river. We are hoping to get some canoes sometime soon. So maybe this family tradition will carry on.
Linking up bit later than usual to Fiona’s inspirational #CountryKids linky.
*I really should add that it wasn’t until we were half way to Bradford, that we realised that the children didn’t have life jackets on. Oops! The canal is relatively shallow and the children are all confident swimmers. Next time, I’ll make sure they are properly attired from the start. Despite the title of this blog post, they were very sensible and there was no messing around.
We live near a canal and I love to spot the names of the boats. My gran used to collect the names so I can imagine doing this with my son one day. We want to get canoes one day. I love being on water. If your kids are confident swimmers I wouldn’t worry that you forgot the life jackets! No accidents! #countrykids
Lucky you living near a canal. Like the idea of collecting names. You are right. No harm done.
This is such a lovely lovely experience! I am so in love with boating even though I am totally scared of water and boating is one of my bucketlist in life.
Hope you make it one day. It was very relaxing.
What fun! That looks wonderful.
It was. Thanks Lisa
I love this, what a great experience for everyone! Great photos – I love the duck and the heron photos!
Look like a great boat trip along the canal
It was a fun new experience.
It was great. Expanded their experience that little bit more. I think after steering they had all grown an inch or two.
What a fabulous day out. We had a narrowboat holiday a few years back on the Kennet and Avon canal and it was utterly blissful. Love all the photos of the wildlife and your children look like they were enjoying helping to steer the boat.
A canal holiday sounds like a lovely relaxing way to spend your time.
Hee! I do like your disclaimer about the children and their lifejackets…I didn’t even notice!
Your day looks amazing and spending time looking at life on the river looks great. We often seen the narrow boats on the river at Stratford but have never been in one. It really does look narrow! I can imagine looking at life on the river must be quite tranquil even with the children!
I bet they all enjoyed their time steering the boat – what a great experience for everyone
I’d hoped at the slower pace we would see wildlife. It was probably too busy to see much. I suspect early morning would be best. The children all enjoyed steering.
I can imagine what a wonderful day this must have been. there is something about the pace of life on a river that makes you relax into the way of life and hours just melt away. We did just a couple of ours on a self drive boat earlier in the summer and I couldn’t believe where the time went. How fab for the kids to each have a chance to take charge of the wheel and so much to spot along the banks as you passed.
Thank you for sharing a gorgeous looking day with me on #CountryKids
I remember your trip. The time does fly. I know ours loved having the chance to steer and were so responsible about it. A great day out.