Yesterday, I was shopping in our local farm shop, with my three enthusiastic children. They wanted to help. They wanted to see. A grandmother, with a little one, was shopping too. As she passed, she leant forward and quietly said to me,” Over half way through.”
Her words struck me. She was right. The summer holiday is more than half way gone. We have two weeks left. The lady meant well, but I think she was seeing this as the light at the end of the tunnel. To me, it was alarming. I love having the children with me. I love their discoveries and the funny things they say their original takes on life.
So I am determined to enjoy our summer holidays right up to the end. Making the most of all that we have. I’m not going to wish it away, nor dread the end. I’m going to enjoy each moment and make the most of everything we have. So at this moment, I am grateful for cherry pie, hot from the Aga.
I’m grateful for time with the children. For the children measuring the tallest runner bean plants, in their runner bean house, and talking encouragingly to the ones lagging behind.
I’m grateful for the ball of wool sent through the post, so that I could finish my Cornish socks. Also for the personal message that the shop keeper included.
I’m grateful for the apple windfalls and the juicy plums from the orchard.
I’m grateful for the sweetcorn, with their crazy hair do’s, that make me smile every time I pass them.
I’m grateful for going out each afternoon and picking garden goodness to take back to the kitchen.
I’m grateful for the promise of more interest yet to grace the garden.
And I’m grateful for the little chap, who when told to wear shoes around the fallen plums (in case of wasps) found a solution. Why waste time running back to the house when you can just stand on Mummy’s feet and eat your plum.
So, yes, I know that time is passing and I need to prepare, but I have so many more moments to enjoy yet.
Making the most of all of what I have. Just enjoying now. This could become a habit!
How about you?
I may have said this before but you are doing everything right. Your wonderful children will be grown and gone before you can blink, I know, I had 3 and enjoyed every minute of them and just wish I could go back.
Forget housework etc and make the most of everyday, children are a gift.
I’m pleased to say that all of mine tell me what a great childhood they had and when they get together recall the laughs we had.
We all had bikes and went out in a convoy, I know the neighbours thought us odd but we had fun.
Just love your blog.
Oh boy. My housework has gone out the window, apart from the basics! It can wait until they are all back at school. I truly hope that my children can look back at their childhoods in the same way yours do. How wonderful! I’m thankful for all the inspirational women out there that give me the confidence to follow my instincts!
I have been thinking of back to school time all week and have been struggling with it myself. I am so thankful for the summer with my son, and everything we have done together, and what he has learned to do. I am excited for back to school time, but I am also saddened with it, too.
Everything in your garden looks so delicious!
Sounds like you have some good memories of the summer and lots to look forward to. Hope you carry on enjoying now.
I’m excited about fall and grateful that my little ones do not have to go off to school. i really am trying to enjoy the moment, but weeks and weeks of temps over 100 have me a bit worn out. i want to go outside! i want to go camping! anyway, your “now” looks great!
Wow! I’m not sure I would thrive in that temperature for long. Athough maybe a little bit more sunshine would be most welcome. Hope your now is looking a bit more rosey.
I am thankful for people who are thankful and encourage other people to be thankful! Thanks!!
Blessings, Debbie
So much to be thankful for. Not always easy to remember to check. Thank you, Debbie!
Oh I am so with you… Enjoy every moment of them, enjoy their mad brilliance, I feel the crazy dashing of time as my oldest guy is just growing up so fast. Where did it all go!!! Stop and enjoy them… Have a fun weekend – it is cold and rainy over here!!!
I think the description of “mad brilliance” is so apt. Blink and you miss it. I love seeing them grow and discover. Dull and threatening rain, here. Like someone forgot to turn on the weather.
Good on ya’! Such beauty all around
Just have to be looking, I guess.
Yes, yes, yes to all of it! I am always so sad when others wish the holidays away, even when they think they are being kind! But you are right not to regret what will come either….just enjoy each moment for what it is! I know I will enjoy the autumn leaves, bonfires and evenings inside by the fire, winter and all the celebrations, maybe snow and then back round to spring again with all the promise of another lovely summer. I know it can’t all be perfect and there will be times I forget how precious this time is BUT by trying to make the most of every moment I know we will be getting the best of this life that we possibly can! Beautiful post! I’m off to get in that habit too!
I love the passing of the seasons and I really don’t have a favourite. Enjoying now, and not wishing it away, feels perfect. Uniforms and paraphernalia is ready for the start of school, so nothing to get in the way of enjoying now. A good habit to form, for sure.