I think we’ve had cabin fever. Not sure why I didn’t click before. It took a beautiful weekend to make me realise. We’ve been out and about over the winter, but this weekend, we were out. All the time.
No longer cooped up. The bickering stopped. The tittle-tattle tailed away. They worked together, just as I know they can.
The bikes came out, along with scooters and skateboards. Not forgetting the poi. Middle daughter has been attending a club and learning more spinning moves. She is way ahead of me now.
The best part was watching her teach her older sister, who was just as keen to learn. They spent hours and hours perfecting the moves and their friendship.
Turns out that she is a good teacher with interesting techniques. I can’t help smiling at the shadows they cast.
I’m not alone in enjoying seeing the sun out again. The boy decided that he wanted to experiment with the sun’s rays and harness it.
After struggling with a magnifying glass from a bug kit, that produced the smallest hint of smoke, he did upgrade to a higher spec. Worthy of Sherlock Holmes. It was as the leaf sent out an immediate and impressive flash of a flame that he fully appreciated the difference in the magnifying strength.
The three children worked as a team to refine the distance, to perfect the effect of the sun’s power, and burn holes in a few more leaves. In the meantime, their father cut the grass, and I sowed seeds and started on the kitchen garden.
Let’s hope this weekend is as good. Plenty more leaves to experiment with.
Enjoy!! (we’re having sleet right now.)
We have the same forecast for this afternoon, but at the moment it is blue sky and sun. Going to make the most of it.
Last weekend was gorgeous, I noticed much the same with my own kids, even after school instead of heading into the on screen things they were out with a football together, I didn’t complain once at filthy uniforms it was just lovely to see them playing together so well. Looks like much the same with your girls, so wonderful to see this happening, the confines of inside are just not the same. Fingers crossed for more lovely days like this to come over the Easter holidays.
What a difference a spring weekend can make. Feels like we’ve been treading water until its time to live outside again. More days like this would be wonderful over the holidays. Makes it easier to get out of the door. Interesting that your children reacted the same. As for dirty clothes. What else are washing machines for?
Isn’t it great when the sun finally comes out and you get to go outdoors. Looks like they found some great activities to do. #countrykids
Doesn’t take long for the children to be spending more time outside than indoors. Love a sunny day. Especially at the weekends.
Last weekend’s weather was just fab, wasn’t it? I love how it gave us a glimpse of summer. Yes, I know I’m pushing it ;). Whether isn’t so good at the moment, but it’s supposed to be better starting tomorrow. Fingers crossed that doesn’t change again. Love how your kids had fun in the garden #countrykids
It has been wonderful to have a few days at least that are beautiful and warm. Get the jobs done in between the good weather, is my motto!
So lovely to see siblings helping each other and working together. It makes such a difference when the sun shines and the temperature rises a little to everyones morale!
I hope those are the times that they will remember the most from their childhoods.
Love the poi things. Looks like good fun learning those. Always good fun getting out a magnifying glass. I’m looking forward to N trying that when he’s a bit older
They’ve all reached the age when I don’t have to suggest activities. They have so many ideas. I love that they have the freedom and room to do their own thing outside
It looks like you had a Great weekend …I hope this one is just as fun …cabin fever is insidious isn’t it? it’s only when the sun arrives and you can get outside that you realize what a difference it makes !
I’m still amazed (as probably every year) that I didn’t twig. Must write a big note to mysef and stick it somewhere I’ll see it each spring. Go outside!
Awesome – this looks like a lot of fun. Nice sunny photos.
Popping over from #CountryKids
They did have fun and it was great to watch the routine they set up too.
I am always amaze to see people do poi! Your daughter looks so awesome doing it and more awesome that shes sharing her skills to her sister =) #countrykids
They make it look so easy too. Lots of laughter and giggles, even when the poi went the wrong way and hit them.
This looks a great weekend, nothing like getting some fresh air
Never a truer word said!
Looks and sounds like they’ve had great fun. #CountryKids
It was wonderful to see them enjoying outside again.
It’s amazing what a difference being outside can make to the bickering! My children always get along better when we’re outside too. Love the photos of your daughters with their poi and reading about your son experimenting with using the sun’s rays and a magnifying glass to burn holes in leaves brought back memories of doing the same myself as a child. #countrykids
It was great to see them finding things to do and working together. Ha! good to know its not just mine that are noticeably better when they are outside. Yes, I remember burning holes with a magnifying glass. Not sure I used such a powerful one though!
It looks like a lovely way to spend a weekend, it’s so nice to spend time outdoors when the sun is shining.
More sun. Or is that greedy!
This looks like an ideal way to spend the weekend! I’ve not hear of a poi before but it looks great fun! Lovely to see them working together. #CountryKids
Poi spinning is great fun. Great for coordination and thinking, let alone exercise.