Here I am. Well, almost. I’m flitting around, doing prep for a number of projects, at the moment, that I don’t feel like I’m in any one place this week. If I had a two column check box system on my To-Do list, there would be one titled “Done” and the other “Almost”. You can probably guess which column has the most ticks.
In the evenings, in my last half an hour, I have been working on a crochet daisy chain. Each one is slightly different, as I try to perfect which method I like. Eventually these will go along the wooden beam above our inglenook, as part of the seasonal garland. With Easter so early, there seems a bigger time gap between the Easter decorations coming down and the summer ones going up. I thought a daisy chain would ease us into the next season. Finished? Almost.
I’ve been working on my new top for ever. I am almost finished. Just the bottom hem to sew, the zip to fit and tidying up loose ends. An hour or two would see it finished. Finished? Almost.
I’ve expanded the Kitchen garden, this year. Reclaiming an area that we’ve used before. It is quite a big plot. The children helped me, this weekend to remove all the weeds. Finished? Almost. About three-quarters done. To keep the troops motivated, we cleared one end and planted peas. We would have planted more, but for the lack of bean poles. What happens to bean poles? I should have armfuls of the things, the number I’ve bought and chopped down over the years. I’ve bought more, which should do a few rows of beans and sugar peas. The rest of the plot will be for sweetcorn, potatoes and onions. I have pumpkins waiting to plant between the sweetcorn too. Finished? Almost.
There is another garden project almost finished, which I cannot wait to show you all. Also the small kitchen garden and greenhouse is taking shape. Lots of planting going on. Getting there.
It’s exam time too. Middle daughter is doing year 6 SATs, next week. I think we’ll all be glad when those are over. Plus, Eldest is busy doing end of term exams, this week. Work-wise, I’m busy, as well as a school project that’s almost finished.
So, with the plants calling out to be planted and fabric screaming to be picked for the next project, no wonder I feel ready for bed at the end of the day. No wonder I feel like I’m in lots of places. Almost.
Part of my “Here I am” series. If you would like to join in with your own “Here I am” post then, please leave a comment, and I’ll set up a featured post.
Oh, the ‘almosts’ always frustrate me! I like to have a job complete so I can tick it and move on. The daisy chain will be lovely, and best of luck completing that plot of weeding. I’ll be in the garden tomorrow, same job!
Hi Cheryl, the good thing about having so many projects almost done is that it won’t be too long before they are all done! I am hopeless at gardening, I used to to try and grow salad stuff, but it gets too hot here and the watering takes forever. I have noticed an oregano plant doing really well were I planted it at the end of last summer, so I’m ignoring it in the hope it will thrive (twisted logic).
Your crochet daisies look lovely, all slightly different.
I hope your daughter do well in their exams. Mine starts very soon too.
Cute shoes!
I have a long almost list too! Glad it is not just me
Awww to be a mom! SOunds like you and your household are really busy and will be busy in the next weeks.
The Here I am project of yours sounds interesting too! Im thinking if I want to join. I will message you when I decided =)
You would be most welcome to join in.
I’m thinking of the end result and believe they will be wonderful when finished. #wotw
I’m sure it won’t be long before those ‘almosts’ turn into ‘dones’ but the bit in the middle is frustrating isn’t it!
I think I’ve finished all those projects now. Nice to be on to the next “almosts”.