I’m sure that on most people’s travels, there is a place they often pass by, but never stop. A place that is remarkable, but nowhere in particular. As soon as you round the corner, you know where you are, but you don’t stop.
We all have places like that. We do.
Last weekend, we stopped. We got out. We explored. It turns out it is a rather special place.
We intended to follow the river, but instead turned right along a lane. One we had not noticed before. It may have been the man we spotted, striding down there, that drew our attention.
By the time we were on the lane, the tall man had gone and, in front of us, lolloping along, without a care in the world, was a long-legged hare. So we followed. He gently zig-zagged down the lane ahead of us for some time. We had time to study him. Then, he turned left into a field. Zig-zagging around the field, still seemingly unaware of us. (If only I’d taken my telephoto lens.) Sometimes, just on the other side of the ditch to us. The children were thrilled.
We carried on along the lane, spotting more hares in the other fields. Talking about all the legends we knew about hares.
There was an air as if we had disturbed a hare get-together. We needed to move on.
We headed on towards another spot in the landscape that we often noticed, but never known how to reach. The hill in the distance.
Walking through a field of young cattle.
Until we reached the hill.
Once the hill was conquered, we headed back.
I can’t help thinking, once more, how beautiful the Somerset Levels are, especially at this time of year.
It was worth stopping. You never know what you will spot. Nature cannot be guaranteed to turn up on schedule. We’ll be back, but I’d bet my bottom dollar, we’ll never see the hares there again. Not that it will stop us from trying.
What a delightful walk and the hares totally made it special. Older kids can be reluctant to go on a family walk, right up to the minute it becomes an adventure and you see something unexpected. I’m so pleased you found your beautiful spot and the children were on board with hare hunting. the Somerset Levels are indeed beautiful. Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids
Oh, England – what a beautiful place! But the photo with the cow in it could easily be Connecticut.
Definitely worth stopping! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a hare before in the wild – how lovely that you got to watch one for so long and isn’t it wonderful to discover places like this that you’ve passed by regularly but never explored.
What a lovely post with gorgeous photos. Reminds me of when we used to live in the country and go for walks just like this x
Oh you live in a stunning part of the world, it looks so peaceful. Also how big are hares? I knew that they were big but they look really big in your photos!!
There is something special about seeing a Hare isn’t there? We managed to see them boxing last year which was very special ;). The Somerset Levels are special aren’t they, a beautiful place that is often overlooked.
Its really so pretty where you are! I wish I can go there! I am always saying that lately as I am stuck here haha.
I have a lot of moments like this when I wish I have a telefoto lens but your photos are already amazing!
A gorgeous walk, your photos really show just how amazing the countryside is, particularly at this time of year. I don’t think I’ve seen any hares recently – the fields around us are covered in bunnies though!#countrykids
How absoilutely gorgeous your photos are !
I could never tell the difference between a rabbit and a hate when I was younger. Now I can’t see why it was hard. Maybe familiarity?