Happy 6th Birthday

It was the birthday of my middling. She makes me want to be six. She was excited to find this fungus, calling it a fairytale toadstool. For her a walk through the woods is full of magic and wonder. When she showed me the contents of her collecting bag, she said that it was like looking at a miniature forest.

We hunched down to look at these two toadstools, deciding that it could be a table for a gathering of gnomes. She suggested pine cones for seats and acorn caps for refreshments.

She revels in all the nature around her. I love her sense of wonder and imagination. I love her smile. It is contagious. When I wake her in the morning she smiles and shares her smile with everyone she meets in the day. To have a birthday is incredibly exciting to this six year old.

And how could I let a birthday pass without a bit of crafting.

She watched each of her sibling‘s birthdays pass and noted that they were given a dollshouse doll. Every week she has reminded me that she does not have one and would very much like one. How could I do anything else? So here she is with her apple hat. The doll’s face is a warmer colour, but has been drained by the camera.

I’ve improved the way I do the hair. I looped the fringe, so it doesn’t stick out like a hedgehog. I took the inspiration from the middle of the love-in-the-mist flower. I’m happier with the way the hair hugs the sides of the head. I’ve also improved the neck line, which gives more shape to her chin, although next time I know how I will make the chin more pronounced. Each time I make one of these dolls, I make improvements. It makes me want to recall earlier versions and add the improvements to them.

BL is calling her Apple.

So happy birthday BL. I’m so glad you are our happy girl


  1. Oh I love this post! Such beautiful fall colors in the landscape shot (and I love the knitted hat and the beautiful white sweater in that pic, too!), and what a treat for your daughter to get such a precious doll! And I love your description of your imaginative daughter. Hope she has a wonderful birthday (looks like she already has :)).

    1. She had a lovely day. My other two are summer babies, so her birthday celebrations always stand out from the others. I’m loving the Autumn colours and enjoying being back in cosy jumpers. Takes longer to get out of the house and car, with so many extra bits of clothes, but that is a small price to pay for the beautiful colours on display.

    1. Thanks Anne. I think she likes being the middle one, although there may be times that she would gladly trade one of the others in for …. well more Playmobil at the moment.

  2. Happy 6th Birthday to the Birthday girl from All of us!!!!
    and the dog sends a Woof :0)

    The Landscape photo is really Special….lovely
    The doll is great..each one seems to have it’s own character and Apple is no exceptions :0)

    1. Thanks Val. I’ll pass those on to BL. I think all the excitement has finally caught up with her, as she fell straight asleep tonight, after the fireworks. I’m glad you like the autumn landscape. Great time of year.

    1. Hee hee. I knew you would notice! I was thrilled to find it. Even with a bite taken out of it. Not the easiest toadstool to find, despite its colour.

  3. What a great gift for a special six year old – I love hearing how you find new ways oof doing it with each doll you create – learning while you make something special, makes everybody happy! Have a good weekend xx

    1. To be honest, I think it would be slightly disappointing if I could find no ways to improve the things I make. I’m always learning and discovering something new. May it never change. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

    1. I was so pleased to find it and show it to the children. They see them in their story books so often, that it was really good to show them that it is a real toadstool. Not just an illustrator’s imagination.

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