I really love giving handmade presents at Christmas. I love receiving them too. I know I say it every year, but while making a present, I spend time thinking about the person. It is inevitable. When I shop for a present, it doesn’t feel such a positive experience. Usually, I end up feeling cross. Handmade presents give me happy thoughts and that hopefully is passed on to the recipient
My children need little encouragement to make the presents that they give too. This weekend they concentrated on making presents for their teachers and friends. (Hopefully none of them read my blog.) Each of the mini bath bombs they made were carefully handcrafted. The children sat around the table discussing who they were going to give them to and matching the fragrance and flowers to the person.
They added colouring and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate to a few for bubble production! Not something that I would do when making bath bombs with school. Most are white and look like little fondant sweets, so all bags will be labelled well. My kitchen smells amazing at the moment as the bath bombs sit on trays drying. Between them, they made 125 bath bombs! A couple won’t make the grade, but the rest are just perfect for present giving. Most importantly, they will love giving them to their teachers and friends. As far as they are concerned, it is so much better than something I bought while out shopping, for them to give. (step by step instructions for making bath bombs here). More personal.
Before all the bath bomb making, they made festive cakes. These ones are for us!
So, which do you prefer giving or receiving? A handmade present or one from the shops?
I’d really love to hear.
Joining in with #LetKidsBeKids today. Waves slightly fragrant-oil hand to anyone visiting via Karen’s site.
Thinking that over seriously Probably which ever the giver would prefer to give …I don’t like people to spend what they can’t afford and do treasure the homemade gifts my children make…they can be rather unlikely but they are made and received with love :0)
In a material sense can I confess I am easy to please ..it may sound boring but a book token and chocolate and I’m in a state of bliss (Now I just need to get my oh to visit this blog :0)
Could not agree more. To be honest, I shall be happy just to spend time with family (although a book token and chocolates would not go amiss, if any relations are reading!) I think one of the two most valuable lessons that we can teach our children are (apart from saying thank you) not to expect a present, but if you do receive a gift then to appreciate the giving as well as the actual gift.
I really agree on the “don’t expect and do appreciate” sentiment …I don’t want them to be ungrateful grabbers (or me to be that way for that matter) I find it’s easy to get carried away at Christmas ..I sometimes manage to catch myself and apply the brakes …but often it’s after an “Oh darn it..I’ve done it again” moment. I find the discipline of Simple.. very hard at times..I’m like a Magpie overexcited by all the glitter and that way leads to tears. Sometimes I find it very hard to pull back and just chose a few manageable fun projects and do them well..instead being overambitious frazzled and unsuccessful…but I think I’m improving (fingers crossed) and in the new year I think we will try the bath bombs as a fun after Christmas activity :0)
Oh and I found a lovely blog that is new that I though you would enjoy
eclectichomelife.blogspot.com/search/label/Presents hope that works
I hope you had a lovely and simple Christmas. Wonderful target to strive for.
That is such a lovely idea. I have never managed to think of what presents the children could make other than food. We made biscuits for the neighbours yesterday.
I bet the children loved making and giving them too.
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
Consumables always seem to go down well whether its food or something else. These are easy to make. Plenty of kits around, if you prefer not to buy the ingredients seperately. If you can cook or make a sandcastle, then you already have the skills to make bath bombs.
These are great – and I’d be thrilled to get something that someone had spent time making. I’m a big fan of consumable or event presents – we all have too much ‘stuff’, I like to know that things will be used and enjoyed. #LetKidsBeKids
Completely agree with giving consumable and event presents. I hope everyone enjoyed them.
Those look beautiful. I’m so inspired by such lovely craft ideas everywhere that I’m going to try making pretend snow tomorrow. Bath bombs next week. (Wonder if it’ll turn out like George’s Marvellous Medicine?)
Bath bombs are so pretty. Definitely worth a go making.
Sounds like a good way to save a few pennies! #LetKidsBeKids
They do work out cheaper than buying, but it’s the making part that makes this such a great present, I think.
Oh my goodness me, those look yummy!
Well done!
I always worry that some one will try to eat them. Hopefully the fragrance is enough to halt them in their tracks.