Every holiday, I look forward to having the children at home. I plan, in my head, what we are going to do. When the holiday is over and term starts, I greet other mothers in the playground with expressions such as “Where did the holiday go? ” and ” I didn’t get half the things done that I planned.”
This holiday is going to be different. I have a summer folder. (Aside: Doesn’t everything look fun when it is written with a rainbow pencil. Maybe I should try it when I do my accounts.) My mistake in the past has been keeping it all in my head. It is so easy to forget the perfect trip out or fun activity, as the days roll passed. Also I can organize materials that will be needed, although we have most of it already.
So I have a page of fun activities and another for trips out. In order for me to have time to do these activities, I am going to need their help to do the daily chores. So I have a list of jobs that they can choose to do. The idea is that every time they do one of the jobs they can earn a point, which can be cashed in for a fun activity or outing. I’m hoping they will eventually connect that helping me with a job will free up my time to play with them. They have bought into the idea and are all really excited about the ideas.
I’ve also scheduled in “bored time”. Quite a bit of it really. Just as crucial.
Oh, the other part of getting ready for the summer holidays is ….. my elderflower champagne has been fizzing nicely. Its been doing it for a few days to be honest, but I have only just bottled it. I now have over seven litres in bottles. This is the first time, I’ve made anything like this. I’m a bit nervous about it exploding, so it is sitting by the sink.
Any experienced elderflower champagne makers – should I be releasing the pressure by opening the tops every now and again?
So roll on summer holidays. Less than three weeks to go!
I’d definitely be releasing the pressure – I’ve known bottles pop their lids in that sort of situation. We tend to do them up, but very loosely, only tightening when the fermentation has slowed right down and has just enough go left to carbonate a bit.
Nice borage, by the way.
Thanks, Earthenwitch. I’ve just released the pressure and not tightened the lids this time. It smells absolutely gorgeous.
I like your file – we do a big poster at the beginning of the holiday of all the things we want to do and then look at it if anyone utters the “what shall I do?” sentence – must admit though all we have booked in at the moment is a whole week in our PJ’s as soon as school finishes – it has been a crazy month around here and we are so looking forward to slowing down!
Oh that is a good one, I need to add it to my list! School has so many activities lined up for them before the end of term. A week of nothing at the beginning of the holidays is exactly what they will need! And me too.