Gansey Giveaway Winner

As promised, today is the day to choose whose feet the Gansey socks will be keeping warm this Winter.

It was tough as I loved every single comment and truly wished that I could send a pair to everyone. So how to select.

Then it came to me. The Acorn Wish Fairies might help. I checked the calendar and they were indeed collecting the acorn wishes this weekend.


They were so excited to help. You see, this time of year, they are collecting the wishes that are left wafting in the air. Some of these wishes are caught by trees. The oak trees store them in their seeds.

The fairies collect the wishes in the caps, leaving the acorn, and take the wishes back to be sorted.

In celebration of their hard work, they are able to grant the last wish collected, straight away.

The fairies sing and laugh as they scoop the wishes up in the acorn caps. Careful to make sure the wishes do not blow away in the wind again, as some wishes do. Some are caught again, but others spend all their time travelling on the wind.

The acorn caps are loaded into the cart, pulled by a single unicorn.

It was the perfect day for the harvest. No wind and the sun shone.

Once the cart was loaded, the fairies headed home. Happy with their days work.

Before they went on their way, they granted the last wish collected. The wish to receive the Gansey socks.

The Acorn fairy was so happy to show me.

Amy from the crookedlittlehouse

Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun and left a comment. Amy, I’ll be dropping you an email.

(The Acorn Wish Fairies would like to thank AJ, BL and TF for all their help.)


  1. Such helpful little fairies! They certainly help ease the pain of not winning. Fortunately, I just rigged up a winter fireside computer spot…so now my toes will at least be toasty without your socks when at home. Now about going out and about… 😆

    1. Like the idea of your fireside computer spot. I have one too, except its not cold enough here yet to light the fire. When it is, I find it so difficult to move away it. 😀

    1. After the fourth person asked me why I was photographing acorns, I just couldn’t give another straight answer. The story just evolved, as they asked more and more questions! No sherry involved. I just couldn’t resist the urge to storytell. 😀

  2. That is a very cute way to announce a winner! 🙂 Congratulations to Amy who is going to have lovely toasty warm feet this winter.
    Anne xx

  3. Oh my! I am terribly honored and feel very lucky indeed today! Thank you fairies for picking me! And thank you Cheryl for making suck gorgeous socks!

  4. What a wonderful way to pick a winner 🙂 Such cute little acorn fairies! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment on my shawl and definitely check out the book if you get a chance 🙂 Have a great weekend!

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