Enjoy More Water Challenge – ask a tween/teen

I’m always on the look out for novel ideas to encourage my children (and me) to eat healthy food, drink plenty of water and keep fit. Looking for ways to create good healthy habits.

My children are fairly active. Over the years, they’ve tried more sports and activities than I can list. Different and diverse, as you might imagine, but I can always be sure that as soon as it ends, they will be expecting something to eat and drink.

water bottles

As a result, I’ve amassed a fair few re-usable water bottles. This is just a few. I probably should thin them down.

Some more popular than others. There are ones for hot drinks for cold days. Ones with freezer packs or insulation for hot days. There are ones we don’t mind losing, and then there are others that are favourites. One for every occasion and that is the trick. If you want children to take a drink bottle with them, AND use it, they need to like it.

maze at Mark

Right. That covers it.

Or does it? What about home? Apart from meal times and elevenses, it’s left up to the children to help themselves to drinks. And I’m not convinced that they are really using their water bottles at school.

I’m not convinced that they are drinking enough water in the day, which kind of worries me. If they are in the habit at home, hopefully it will be second nature for them to be drinking enough at school. After all how alert will they be in class if they are dehydrated.

So I asked them for some ideas to improve the habit of reaching for their water bottles. If I want my tweens and teens to buy into an idea, and be enthusiastic about it, then asking them for ideas is the single best way to do it.

How can I encourage you to drink more water?

ideas too

Right. I can see they are thinking about it, but….

….what can I do to encourage you?


Well that’s a few ideas to be going on with. Time to put them in action.


This post is an entry for BritMums #EnjoyMoreWater Challenge, sponsored by Robinsons”.

(After years of trying other cordial, we’ve finally settled on Robinsons and it is truly the only one we buy. The new handy sized bottles have made it more fun to try out some of the other flavours.

Yep. I had got stuck in the mud over the flavour I was buying!)


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