Busy making magnetic felt Elf points. I’m not using a pattern. I’m doing it freehand. Wherever the needle and thread take me.
This is an experiment. Simple idea. Each child can earn Elf points during December, in the same way stickers are handed out for good behaviour or a kind act. Once they reach twenty Elf points then they can choose a chocolate from the Christmas tin.
The twist is that it works best if they work together. When an Elf point is awarded then it goes into the same pot, regardless of who won it. It is in their interest to encourage their siblings to excel in good actions and behaviour. The faster they earn the points, the sooner all three of them can reap the benefit. They are not in competition with each other, as no one loses.
I’ll be interested to see if there will be any strategic tactics. Always happy to see good behaviour, but really hoping to see some team playing. They love playing Haba’s “Orchard” game, so the concept of cooperating towards a common goal in already understood, even by TF at the delicate age of 3.
It always makes me smile when they introduce a friend to the Orchard game. Inevitably the friend wants to be the only winner and, at first, misses the point of the game.
This should be fun. We are doing it now as I’d love them to be focusing on good will and not “what am I getting for Christmas”. In all fairness, they are yet to supply me with a lengthy wish list. Ever.
Three elf points have already been handed out. My darling husband, reckons we’ll have a whole tin of chocolates left by the end of December. We’ll see. It is, after all, an experiment.
{Making notes: The elf point is made of two felt circles, blanket stitched together. The front circle is embroidered. I used my hot glue gun to stick a small magnet to the centre of the back circle. The magnet is hidden between the two circles of felt. I still need to make nine more Elf points!}
Update to magnetic reward system
I love this idea! And the points are SOOOOO cute!
Thanks Casey. I wanted to put thought into making the points, seeing as the children would be putting effort into gaining them. They are having fun spotting the new ones as I make them.
You are one creative and very smart lady. I’ll be interested to hear how this experiment goes.
Happy crafting,
Anne xx
Thanks Anne. Early days yet with the system but I’m quietly optimistic. Once the momentum builds up, then I think they will really enjoy it!
What a lovely idea, they look great. An idea for next year maybe.
Happy sewing xxx
Thanks Dawn. I’m enjoying making them and the children love them. I’m fascinated, at the moment, at their approaches to aquiring elf points. Very age related!
A truly excellent idea that I’d like to copy !!!! THANK YOU
Oh, thanks Val. I’m sure your two girls will grasp the concept quickly. Nice to think that there will be more elf point happiness spreading around the world
Those are adorable! They, I am sure, looks so cute all together on the refrigerator. And such a great tradition to start with the kids. I love this idea. Since I am not a sewing kind of person I may have to think of some other kind of point that they could accumulate.
The tokens could be made from almost anything. Maybe you could glue instead of sewing the felt. They are not intended for heavy play use. Alternatively cross-sections of a branch, cardboard from the recycling bin or the plastic tops from bottles. Whatever is at hand. Hope you enjoy making them.
Those are ridiculously CUTE!!!! I want to make some too — right now!
Thanks Valerie. That is something coming from you! I have to admit, I’m enjoying making them, which is why I still haven’t made all of them. Must finish them before they earn too many more Elf points.
love this, very cute and a wonderful way to encourage working together, I bet they’re having alot of fun.
all snowy love to you all
Thanks Denise. Yes, they are thinking of different and ingenious ways to earn Elf points. Its very sweet.
Enjoy your snow!
I love the creativity that has gone into making these and I wonder whether to create my own for my girls #MMBC