I thought I’d give you an early update on the Elf Point experiment. It’s also an excuse to show all the finished magnets.
I had so many ideas of the images I wanted to use, I jokingly said that I should increase the target from twenty to thirty. Hmm. If looks could kill…… Maybe not.

The awarding of the points was slow at first, but one by one they are getting the idea. Reaching their first twenty focussed their efforts. They now know that it does not help to ask for a point, or use it as a bargaining method (“If I do it can I have an Elf point?”). There are occasions where I can see them modifying their behaviour. Other times teamwork is a natural event.
I think my challenge is spotting the good moments and rewarding them straight away. Also being consistent.
Today was a red letter moment. AJ had been really helpful getting us out of the door for school. So impressed by her willingness to help me and also to see what needed doing, that I awarded her a point. I was waiting for an outburst from BL. There was silence, then eventually, in a matter of fact voice, she let me know that she didn’t mind her big sister winning a point and not her. Why? Well it meant that the children are one point nearer to getting their target. At the young age of 6, BL understands the system. She gets it. It’s about working as a team and not against. It’s not a competition between the children. Everyone is winning, including me. (little dance of joy)

One extra use, that had not occurred to me, is using them to make stories. AJ and I spent one lunch time coming up with different stories for the magnets that had already been won. Very similar to the painted story stones that we made this year. The children love arranging the magnets in different patterns.
Looking at the magnets, I know I made mistakes. Like using cream thread and not white for the Christmas hare. I made this at night and I should know it is not the best light to decide. Also the angel’s face is not as I wanted, but I left it, as I did not want to make more holes in the felt. The children love her, so that counts as a success to me. I liked using french knots for the angel’s hair and the elf’s beard. The magnets are good fun and the children are about to collect all twenty for the second time. Even if we don’t run this experiment again next year, I’m enjoying decorating the fridge with my festive magnets/ Elf points!
Edited: forgot to say that AJ made the present elf point. I’m so pleased she felt (no pun intended) inspired to make it.
They are so beautiful! I am in love with the Christmas hare!
Despite the cream thread, I’m pleased at how well the hare shape worked. We have a bit of a soft spot for hares, in this family.
Totally Excellent ….all round
Give your self twenty Elfpoints straight away!!! :0)
Oh Val. I don’t know what to say. My very own Elf point at last! Actually TF did award me one yesterday, which makes two. Just 18 more to go!
I wondered over from the 20 Minuters list and found your beautiful Elf Points, I didn’t really get the point (sorry!) at first, but loved them anyway, then I read about the experiment and have fallen for it. I think it’s a bit late this year, but I think I’ll be spending some of my 20 minutes next year making Elf Points – Thank you and Merry Christmas!
a-m x
I’m glad you liked them and got the point.
The children are enjoying the system and are already asking for something to replace it in the new year. Children can be so relentless!
What a splendid idea!!! Your elf points look amazing, and I love how the children are working together towards a common goal! Add in the creative imaginative play….**applause**
Thanks Val. Almost two weeks into it and they are still enthusiastic. They are still excited when either they get a point or a sibling earns one. It has not turned them into angels, but it is fun and they are working together a bit more. I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes during the Christmas holiday.
Those are just too darn cute! So glad that they have caught on and are getting the hang of it. It is such a neat idea that I just knew it would work. It’s amazing that the little one told you why she was okay with AJ getting a point and not her. Those moments when things click like that are priceless.
Absolutely priceless. It takes all my self control not to break out in a little dance for joy!
Love these!
I think over the holiday, these will really come into their own.