Easter Egg Hunt, the Zumerset Way

basket by gate

Take one empty basket and leave it where the children will discover it, when they return from their morning walk.basket waitingRemember to give the hens a little chocolate the night before.

(This only works if done the night before Easter Sunday. Possibly only in Zumerset)

eggs in tree

Then the fun begins.

checking basket

It’s fast-moving and even with my camera set to sports mode, it’s near on impossible to capture the hunt in progress.

eggs on tyre

The hens are ingenious when it comes to laying chocolate eggs around the garden.

eggs and carrots

And occasionally, there is an element of humour in their choice of nest.

easter egg hunters

So there you are. Another easter egg hunt complete. Very like last year and previous years, but that’s the thing with family traditions. They tend to stay the same.

Since the disastrous year of the white eggs, the children always remind me. Long before Easter. We must make sure that dark chocolate is ready to feed the hens. Just a few crumbs. Not masses.

eggs on bench(The hens always lay in threes. Funny how they do.)

eggs in basket

Happy Easter.

Joining in with #CountryKids


  1. now that looks like a lot of fun and your kids enjoyed the effort from your lovely chocolate laying hens

    1. The children found lots of clutches of three eggs, and just one clutch of two. It was agreed that this must be the eggs for the grown-ups!

    1. Middle daughter never ever forgets to remind us. It really does start several weeks before. I hate to think what would happen if we forgot one year.

    1. They are very clever. Realised I should have taken a photo of the hens too, but they were probably resting at the time. Especially after all that laying.

  2. Gorgeous photographs – it really is funny that chickens lay eggs in threes! What a wonderful egg hunt! We must be neighbours as we also hail from Somerset! Lovely to find your blog! #CountryKids

    1. Very good of them to lay three eggs in each nest, seeing as there are three children to cater for. We have four layers (hens), but being old girls, and having lived through several Easter Sundays, they know the score. Wise old birds.

    1. They are very fair about sharing them out between them. They are pretty good. This stash of chocolate will last them for weeks.

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