Completed Kinder Doll

At last I have finished, and given, the doll project I have been working on. She is a waldorf style dolls-house doll. I’ve made a few waldorf style dolls, but this is the first time I have completed one with a pipe cleaner structure inside. Also its the first time I have added a bead for the nose. I’m pleased with the slight bendiness and the cute nose, so I will do it again.

I find the face is the hardest part to do on dolls. Its not the embroidery that is difficult. I find getting just the right position of the facial features on an expressionless doll, hard. I think it is getting better with practise, but if any experienced doll maker has any top tips, I’m all ears. I find it is easier to achieve a good head shape on the smaller dolls.

I dressed her in a green dress and a pair of cream bloomers. I blanket stitched around the dress and, around the neck, I included beads in the stitches. I like the effect of it being neck edging and also a necklace. It was quite therapeutic doing this part and I could have carried on around all the edges.

I made her a few accessories. This was fun, as my sister spotted some familiar fabrics among the collection.

And if you weren’t sure, then this gives it all away.

Yes, she is the Princess and the Pea. Not original, but my interpretation of the story. My niece tucked the doll up in bed, which seemed just perfect.

AJ says that the doll’s expression is puzzled. I think it is more connected to having slept all night on twelve mattresses and a felted pea. My girls decorated the bed with pictures of the castle, princess, pea and Gwinny the dog. Its OK, your memory is not playing tricks. Gwinny is our dog and not in the original story. She would look quite at home in a castle. We also included a The Princess and the Pea manual. BL received a copy at Christmas and loves this variation on the so familiar story. So do I.

Before I forget, I have to give credit to Kinder Dolls: A Waldorf Doll-making Handbook (Crafts, festivals & family activities) by Maricristin Sealey. It seems to have gone out of print, which I think is a real shame. I love this book. It gives instructions for different size dolls, with templates, starting with basic ones for babies and moving on to more advanced creations. There is a chapter dedicated to different ways of doing hair and another on making clothes. If you are looking for a book to get you started and you have at least some basic sewing experience, then this is a good choice. I found the method for shaping the heads really helpful.

If you need any other reason to hunt this book down in a second hand bookshop or at the library, then the book is illustrated by the author’s daughter. I’m guessing that she must have been the happy recipient of many of the dolls created using the methods laid out in the book. I like happy circles.

I’m quite sad to see the little princess go. She would slip perfectly into a pocket. I have fond memories of dolls and toys made by my Grandma, many of which have survived my childhood. My children fell in love with her too, so they made me promise to make each of them a doll similar to the princess. Sounds good to me!


    1. I didn’t felt the green felt myself. It was given to me a while back, so I’m not sure of its origins. Thank you for your kind words.

  1. She is beautiful Cheryl and she has a lovely face, your niece is very lucky. I’m sure your girls will be nagging you know for theirs. By the way I couldn’t get the links to work:(

    1. Whoops! I’ve mended the links. Too long a day yesterday. I have a feeling that as I worked on her, the lower lip thread slackened slightly, giving her a slightly pouting look. Not intentional. Thank you for your kind words about the face. It is the one part I’d still be fiddling with if she was still in the house.

    1. It was good fun going through my stash and finding some of the older fabrics, that I knew my sister would recognize. One was from an old nightie that one of my sisters made. Hasten to add it was a beyond repair!

  2. Happy to report that your niece is thrilled with the Princess and the Pea doll, and plays with her a lot. She says you are very talented, and I warmly agree – the doll’s expression is perfect, just lovely. And the fact that the Princess was handmade by someone special adds a wonderful dimension. x x

  3. That is excellent Cheryl we’re going to try these when the Summer has raced away..I love having really nice projects to look forward too

    Thanks for the book rec too :0)

  4. hi again cheryl, i had to come back here to the blog for a doll search…and i love her! she has her own little look. you said puzzled, she actually reminds me of the characters on postman pat! whom i find pretty cool..and my kids. anyway, i agree the book is perfect, and it did go out of print, but she wrote a new one last year with her daughter and its the book i’m using now on my doll tutorial. thank you for the lovely comment, and i’m honored to have you following my blog. cheerio! 🙂
    ps. did you do a doll toadstool trade? i love her mushrooms! xx

    1. Thanks Angelina. I really appreciate your comments as a fellow doll maker. She was my first bendy dollshouse doll. I’ve made two more, one of which will be going in the post in the next few days as part of the doll toadstool trade. Now you mention it, I can see what you mean about her being like a Postman Pat character. I guess we get our influences everywhere, without always knowing where.

      I’m going to have to check out the book. I loved her first book. Thanks for dropping by again!

  5. I stopped by from the yarn along and noticed your little doll on the side. She really sweet and I love her bed and bedding 🙂

    1. I gave her to my niece. A couple of weeks ago, when I visited, I spotted the doll in her room, so hopefully she is still being loved.

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