Children's bedtime stories

At the end of the day, I love the children’s bedtime routine, but the best part is the bedtime story. Their routine doesn’t always work out as planned. We may be late, I might be rushing off to finish jobs before I can turn in or I’m just plain tired. Those are the nights that I least enjoy. Somehow putting three clean, tired, happy children to bed is deep down satisfying.

The best part has to be the bedtime story. I always feel cheated if I have to rush a five minute story in at the end of their day. I know they feel a little let down by it. The girls have both reached the age where they can be read chapter books and they look forward to this time.

At the moment, BL and I are enjoying Milly Molly Mandy stories. After she got over the initial disappointment of pictures only on some pages, she has looked forward to our nightly read. Old fashioned, gentle and reassuring.

teddy and book

I now want to make her a pink and white striped dress for the summer. She wants to grow pumpkins. I could hug her and, of course, I do!