The WIP stripey socks have been put away, ready for my next knitting lull. They have grown a bit and I’m still not sure if they are the second sock or not. My attention is elsewhere. I was just waiting for our postman to bring my new wool. Two hanks […]
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Yarn Along – Stripey Socks
Joining in Ginny’s Yarn Along this week. I can’t believe how fast it comes round. After finishing my Gansey Socks, I decided to pick up a WIP sock project. I put this project down a year or two ago. Partly because 4 ply was just taking too long. I love […]
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A little while ago, I was sent a copy of “Knitting Socks from Around the World” to review. After seeing the press release, with photos of all the socks, how could I resist. I could quite happily make any one of these socks. There is not a dud among them. […]
Read moreYarn Along – Knitting socks
Linking this post to Ginny’s Yarn Along. I love turning the heel of socks. Admittedly, this revelation is truly not going to change my life much, but it makes knitting socks more interesting. Not sure yet if I’m loving it because the heel usually represents the mid-point of sock knitting, […]
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