Joining in Ginny’s Yarn Along. A book and what’s on my needles. Book wise, I’m still in the children’s section. I’ve finished Moominland Midwinter. I can thoroughly recommend it. AJ and I have chatted about it so much that even my husband is tempted to read it. I found another […]
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Yarn Along -Fliptop mittens
I loved Val‘s comment, yesterday,about these mittens being fliptop mittens. It is just so apt and the best description for them! I’ve finished two pairs of fliptop mittens now and I’ve started the third. Fortunately, the children sorted out, fairly amicably, who was getting which pair. TF was determined that […]
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Over the weekend, we had our first hard frost of the winter. It turned the garden completely white. Feels like winter now! Yeh! (Smile!) We had a brief flurry of snow a month ago, but since then it has most definitely been mud season. This means that I spend most […]
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It’s Wednesday. It’s Ginny’s Yarn-Along. It’s my chance to put away my hexagon patchwork and pick up my knitting needles. To be honest, I need a change of scene. At the weekend, we spent a day in Bristol. Apart from the museum, the children wanted time browsing at a book […]
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