When I finish a big craft project, I like to clear out my work basket. I should really do this at the end of each project, whether its big or small. Now I’ve finished the hexagon patchwork quilt, it is time to bring some order. I have cupboards to hide […]
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Yarn-Along – bit distracted
Its Wednesday. It must be Ginny’s Yarn-Along. What’s on my needles? Well, I’ve finished one of my squares for my patchwork knitted blanket….. and then I somehow got distracted and started on a pair of socks for AJ. I’m using my favourite two needle sock pattern. Its so quick. I’m […]
Read moreYarn Along – Knitted blanket garter squares
Wednesday already! Knitting and reading. Its Ginny’s Yarn Along again. After digging around my Charles Dickens books yesterday, I found myself reading one. Hard Times. I haven’t read it for a long time. Its kind of comforting to pick this book up again. Familiar, but so much I have forgotten. […]
Read moreYarn Along and a sense of order
It’s Wednesday, which means that it’s Ginny’s Yarn Along already. I’ve cast on another pair of stripey fingerless gloves. Mainly so that I can make a bit more of a dent in my left over wool stash. This pair will probably end up in my stash of presents-in-waiting. It will […]
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