“A bird just fell out of the sky. Look. Over there.” I looked. There was nothing to see, by the time I’d followed his outstretched arm. The space was empty, but I knew what he’d witnessed. Even though he’d sighted one before me. Darn! At least I’d been pre-warned. Earlier […]
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Mountain children
(Needle-felted Fly Agaric) The books that are read to us as young children, help to shape the people we will become. It affects our style, our understanding of our surroundings, our references in the world. It’s little wonder as these books are often read to us over and over and […]
Read moreFelted snails
(wet felted snails) There are some tasks that seem destined to constant interruption. Forever work in progresses. As soon as all the tools are assembled, and work on the verge to commence, a voice pipes up and my priorities are changed in a moment. A different task beckons. Sigh. I […]
Read moreA felted bird feeder
Last week, the milkman delivered a free sample of Orangina. The children were excited. They liked the idea of fizzy orange. A rare treat. I liked the idea, but not as much as I liked the shape of the sample bottle. It was just perfect. I waited until the children […]
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