At the weekend, our non-chicken keeping neighbour turned up with this bird under his arm. I’m sure I could make lots of jokes about this, especially as his wife happened to be away, but I’ll resist. The chicken had been found wandering around and was it one of ours. It […]
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We have more hens
DH went to our local farm shop today. This is the wonderful shop that sells everything, including peas, for growing, by the w eight. While he was exchanging pleasantries, he discovered that they have started to stock hens. Not able to resist checking them out, he saw they had about […]
Read moreHow to make meringue. Easy peasy guide
There was a time when we had 10 hens that laid every day. That was 70 eggs, without fail, every week. Week in, week out. At that stage, we were a small family of three and there are only so many eggs that we could eat. I gave lots away, […]
Read moreSeven years of Chickens
We have had chickens for seven years now. Not the same ones. There has been a steady stream in and a steady stream out. In between they have provided us with beautiful, fresh eggs and entertainment. This morning, as I cleaned out the hen house, I was musing about why […]
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