I’ve missed the weekend, so the jobs have piled up. Today I was ready to catch up. One job was to plant out the last of the plants from my greenhouse bench. I’ve run out of room in my greenhouse. In all fairness, I need another greenhouse, but until we finish redesigning the garden, I’m going to have to wait.
This leaves the problem of where to plant the rest of my tomatoes and aubergines. Before moving to this house, we rented a little cottage in a nearby village. The cottage had a pocket handkerchief size garden, with very little planting area. That summer, I potted up twenty or so tomatoes in pots. For the life of me, I can’t remember what the cropping rate was. Whatever it was, it didn’t put me off setting up my kitchen garden when we moved, so I guess it was positive.
Today, I dug out those tomato pots and started potting up my remaining tomatoes. I have nothing to lose, as I’ve used homegrown compost, recycled pots and the extra seedlings would have gone in the compost. I’ve put them against a sunny wall and crossed my fingers.
Usually I aim to get all seedlings and seeds in the ground by the summer solstice. I still have a bit to go. Half a day of uninterrupted gardening should do it. I’ll take what I can get.
I know why I do all this gardening. Firstly to feed, enlighten and inspire this lot…
and the satisfaction when the majority of our daily meals come from the garden.

It is very smug-making, isn’t it? I’m really looking forward to next summer, when hopefully our garden will be a bit less chaotic than it presently is (it’s full of dumpy bags of render, and things like acro props, courtesy of our building work), and I can start to restore some sense of actual plants things growing.
Hope you have a few pots of tomatoes at least.