Children grow. It’s a fact. One moment they have enough jumpers to clothe a small army. The next, they are down to one jumper that fits and another that will fit if you don’t mind listening to the grumbles as it is pulled, with great effort, over their heads. Oops was that your ear! The transition between abundance and minimal, takes varying time. Sometimes I can anticipate. Sometimes I’m ambushed while absorbed in other crafting matters.
Youngest has reached the minimal stage. Not such a problem in the summer, but, even then, evenings can still be pretty cool. Time to reach for the knitting needles and commence battle.
I’m not following a pattern. Nothing written down. Uh-uh! I’m living on the wild (knitting) side. I’m not even sure if I have enough of any particular wool. I’m going to make this up as I go along. A really refreshing process for me, as I am a world-class procrastinator at the design and research stage. Somehow, just going for it, is absolutely liberating. I roughly know what I want it to look like, and so far so good.
After our castle adventures, I couldn’t resist a castle themed jumper. I particularly like the portcullis. Needs blocking, which will happen once its off the needles. The front is growing fast. Youngest is enthusiastic as the design grows. Thank goodness. Eldest is begging me to knit her one too. Not likely, as her jumper collection is at the abundance stage.
Prior to my preoccupation with the woolly castle, I was reading A Wind in the Door. It’s the follow-up to “A Wrinkle in Time“, which I was re-reading to see if it was suitable for eldest to read. It is, but turns out that she is put off by the size of the print! Too small apparently. Hmm. I’m not entirely convinced. It is same size font as the Harry Potter books that she has been pouring over. (I know you’re reading this AJ. I’m on to you!). Ah well. I’m enjoying “A Wind in the Door”. Probably check out the rest of the series. Just in case she changes her mind.
Inspired to post by Ginny over at Small things.
I am reading her Crosswicks journals at the moment but I am intrigued by the childrens books she wrote – thanks for reminding me to check them out!
I must add her jounals to my list. I didn’t know about them. We seem to be coming from different directions!
LOVE the jumper! Btw, “jumper” sounds better than “sweater”, in my opinion.
I’m not keen on the expression “sweater”, either. Sounds hot and uncomfortable to me.
This little jumper is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see it being modelled.
Anne xx
Front is now finished and I’ve started the back. The little chap can’t wait for me to finish it. Photos to follow soon, I hope!
How beautiful! I loved “A Wrinkle in Time”. How are you liking this one?
I’m enjoying the second one, just as much. I love sci-fi and I love that it makes me think. I think the first one could be read by my eight year old, but I think this one is more complex and I’d encourage her to leave it for a few years. Then again, she may surprise me!
I love the castle! Just lovely!
Thanks Ericasue. I am so enjoying knitting it. I love not referring to a pattern every few minutes!
I’m loving your castle jumper. Nice job.
I remember being really fond of A Wrinkle in Time when I was still in school. We read it during Literature class when I was about 13 years old. I picked it up again about a year or so ago and never realized that it was one in a series of books. I immediately put them all on my list. Glad you’re enjoying them, too.
I had no idea that it was a series until I found it among my childhood books a few months ago and did some research. Nice surprise! Certainly the second one in the series has not lost the essence of the first.
Wow! This is so lovely! It must be very freeing to forge ahead without a pattern (but I don’t know if I’m that brave). Have a wonderful weekend!
It is freeing. I’ll probably make mistakes, but so long as I get the basics right, like size, I’m optimistic.
The Wind in the Door is my favorite of that series. I like the first three, feel so-so about the fourth, and didn’t really like any after that.
Really liking the castle!
I’m looking forward to reading the others. Still on number two.
Thanks for visiting!! I remember reading A Wrinkle in Time in 5th grade! It was one of my favorites. Can’t wait until mine is old enough to enjoy these!! Hope you come back to visit soon!!
I loved reading A Wrinkle in Time. The three old lady characters captivated me, more than the main roles.
Now this is completely 100% over the top!! You just go girl…
I stand in awe.
Blessings, Debbie
Hee hee. It probably is over the top. First to admit! Sometimes it just has to be done!
Love your “go for it” seaside jumper………………you’re very brave and very clever.
lily x
Probably foolhardy. I love the process of experimenting with stitches and wool, so if nothing else, this project is fun to make.