One of the children has a birthday party to go to this weekend. A while ago, this would have seen me shopping for a birthday present and buying lots of things that I wouldn’t need, in the hope that one of these purchases would be right for the birthday child. Inevitably I would arrive home grumpy. I cannot shop for toffee. So about a year ago, I stopped. No more buying birthday presents. It was time to do what I am better at and that is making presents. Thus was born my version of the classic crayon roll.

I am able to make a crayon roll in less time than it would have taken me to shop. I select a small notebook from my collection to go with it. I enjoy doing it and I also have time to think nice thoughts about the person I am making it for. I’ve had really positive feedback from parents.
This one uses fabric from my stash with a donkey and strawberries on it. Apologies to anyone inviting my children to their parties as I’ve ruined the surprise. The fabric does vary.

Also had time, today, to finish another washcloth. Total of four to date. The two heart washcloths knit up smaller than my first two, which I think is perfect for small faces. I have promised the children one of the washcloths each, but they have to wait until the end of the fortnight. They change their minds about their choices on a daily basis.