We went to a local folk music festival today. We go each year and it is fun. The music was good and the children’s entertainment enthralled our three. There is also an area where they have stalls. Lots of free flowing festival clothes, incense sticks and musical instruments. The girls love looking in at each stall.
We don’t go out and shop as a family much. Today, I suggested to the girls that they each take £10 of their pocket money in case they found something. They did and I’m probably most proud that neither of them came back with empty purses. One found a sweet little rabbit with a crochet dress and bag. The other bought a string of feather and glitter butterflies for her room.
TF cottoned on to the idea, but as the phrase “pocket money” has no meaning to him, being only three, I funded his one purchase. No it was not the toadstool at the top, although that was cute. You should be able to see him clutching his purchase in his hand. He opted for green fairy dust.
Apparently he has hankered after his sister’s fairy dust for awhile and seized the opportunity to have his very own. If you haven’t come across fairy dust it is facial glitter. You apply it with a wet finger on preferably damp skin and it will stick. It is good fun. You can use a template to create a piece of art on cheeks or just add areas of glitter to the face. Simple and the children love it. Facial glitter has smaller particles than crafting glitter and when spilt can spread and cover a huge area. Almost like twenty bottles of the stuff have been emptied.
At this point it would be lovely to show you the wonderful effects of facial glitter on one of the children’s cheeks, but I cannot. Putting it simply, my house has now taken on a glittery appearance. Once spilt, it has travelled. DH even found a toadlet in the kitchen with green glitter on him. I hosed the children down, but they will still be going to school tomorrow with a green sparkly look. I’ve vacuumed and I will mop later, but I think it is going to be a talking point for a while.
Can you make out what it says on the bottle. “Put some sparkle in your life”. The label is spot on there. Oh well, who’s to say that a little bit of fairy dust isn’t exactly what I need right now.
Looks like a wonderful day! Love the butterfly shot!
It was a good day and I didn’t mind the glitter really.
Oh it sounds like a wonderful day. And I think everyone needs a little fairy dust in their lives.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I cherrish each and every comment.
Blessings, Elizabeth
I either had a deprieved childhood or fairy dust did not exist when I was little. I’m certainly making up for lost time.
I love festivals, and my, all the glitters is gold, ha, ha. cheers Marie
BL keeps on asking me why this festival only happens once a year. I don’t think she likes my answer!
What a beautiful day out!!! And sparkly to boot…who could ask for anything better!!
xo maureen
ps…did you get my e-mail? I want to finish up your project, just waiting on getting your childrens favourite colours!!! please let me know!
It was fun.
Oops! Yes, just emailed you back.
Years ago I went to a gig at Christmas. Some kind soul shared their sparkle with me and I couldn’t get it out of my hair for weeks! I like the dinky bottles yours came in.
I’ve got a feeling its going to be in my hair for a while. I think the bottles will be turned into little necklaces with either coloured beads, sand or something smelly, like lavender.
TF looks so cute on that toadstool. As for the glitter, my eldest had a pair of green glittery shoes about 11 years ago, she moved up to Norwich about 5 years ago and I still find the odd piece surfacing after all this time!
Oh my. I wonder how many years until your house is a glitter free zone.
Days filled with glitter sound good to me! How did you resist buying that toadstool? I would’ve succumbed.
It was sweet, but a little too shiny for my taste. Also, I know who would have ended up carrying it back to the car!
I love the idea of a glittery toadlet – do you think they had a disco!?
Hee hee! What an image! I’m sure there are loads of songs I could suggest if I could think of them, but the only two that come to mind are the “Frog song” and “Come fly with me”
LOL…the glitter story is really funny. I have experienced facial glitter (or fairy dust) and I think it hung around our house glistening on the floors and tables for months. I just had to give up and enjoy the sparkle. My little ones certainly enjoyed it!
I am amazed at its clinging property. Almost like it is coated in glue. We are all sparkling quite nicely, as is the house.