It’s coming up to the end of term. There are things to do. There are events to go to. So much to organize. My to-do list, as I imagine most parent’s to-do lists are at the moment, resembles the beginning chapter of an epic novel. Many characters with their own story to tell. Promising adventure, excitement and intrigue, but the end of the story is not in sight, nor yet written. That is my to-do list.
I need to organize craft materials for an upcoming event. I have costumes for two of the children to source. I have outings to book. And so on. At the back of my mind is a little voice asking a question – but what am I supposed to wear?
I do sadly get neglected (violins out please) when it comes to the clothes section. I guess it’s because I love making clothes for the children. It’s too easy. Everything I make them fits. Making clothes for me is less successful. So less is made (here and here).
I seldom shop for myself, which would help to fill my wardrobe with impulse buys. At those last minute “what to wear” moments, I might dip into the wardrobe and pull out a never worn dress which would be perfect. If only. Instead I tend to pull out something I’ve worn a gazillion times and alter it in an attempt to disguise it as a new outfit. Amazing what you can do!
So you can imagine my glee, especially if you’re a dressmaker, when while searching for fabric for the previously mentioned children’s costumes, I came across two almost finished dresses for me. Yes, two. For me.
I selected one of them to finish. I started this two years ago. The fabric is fabulous. It’s Kaffe Fassett – Floating Flowers. I remember that there wasn’t quite enough left on the roll in the shop, so I bought a bit extra of the jacket fabric to make into the yoke. It just needs the hems sewn, the yoke attached and its done. Love it when I come back to a project, as I can sit back and admire the care I took while fitting the zip and finishing the seams. With no memory of the blood and tears. Perfect.
Just one problem. Two years are a long time for reels of cotton to be left untouched in our house. I always buy the right cotton at the same time as the fabric, but spur of the moment sewing projects come along and matching thread is seconded. Time to figure out if I still have the matching thread to finish this dress.
Hmm. Hopefully it is still in my collection. Feels good to be using something from my work-in-progress project pile. Another step along my journey to becoming a greener me.
Joining in with the resourceful Gina at the #ThriftyThursday linky.
Your shift dress looks like it’s going to be beautiful. I have only ever made myself pjs but have invested in some jersey to make t shirts and I have a few bits of fabric earmarked for myself. Whether I ever get round to doing it for myself instead of the children is a different matter. It is lovely to take a bit of time to make something for yourself, even if you don’t do it often enough x #thriftythursday
So easy to forget to take time for ourselves. I really should aim to make more for me. It always feels so good to wear something I’ve made myself…..unless it goes wrong.
It’s beautiful fabric:) What a find in your stash, a nearly finished dress – finish it tonight!!!!
Ha! You’re right. I should really strike while it’s hot.
Good luck with the dress and I hope you find the right cotton. I love the material. Thank you for joining in with #ThriftyThursday
It’s quite a brave choice for me, but I fell in love with the fabric. What can I say?!
Don’t give up. Everyone starts with a few wonky items. Part of the learning curve.