Plans change and I like being able to go with the flow. We took the opportunity to take a break down in Dorset over the long weekend. A four day escape was too good to pass up, but it did mean that we missed the village Diamond Jubilee celebrations. A little sad, as we had been looking forward to joining in.
It … was …. good to get away. Weather wise we made a good choice. Less rain than other areas of the UK. Walks through ancient forts, searching for sea glass on beaches and discovering a dog friendly pub with really good food.
Dorset has a good share of the nation’s thatched cottages. Almost whole villages thatched. We love thatched cottages. Often the thatcher will leave his logo in the form of a bird or cat, made of the thatch, on the ridge of the roof. It’s a bit of a game with us to spot the local themes. Pheasants and owls are very popular. We were a bit surprised by this cottage.
A real live mallard and his duck. First time I’ve seen a pair of ducks on a thatched roof. Not permanent fixtures, but fun to see.
It was great exploring, but I still felt like we had missed all the celebrations. Driving around, we saw villages swathed in red, white and blue bunting and flags. Some villages had none. Maybe they had gone on holiday too.
When we got home, I was still feeling sorry for myself having missed out on all the celebrations. No bunting or flags on our house. Grump (although still buzzing after our holiday). As I put away and tidied up, I discovered this ladybird poppy had self seeded by our recycling bin. Bright and breezy. I love the centre. It looks just like a cake. Looking around the garden, I realised that even though I hadn’t put up a flag, the flowers had opened up to form a floral bunting.
The garden seems to have bloomed and grown in just four days. I had to join in, so out came the fabric and lots of snipping and sewing. I cut out triangles and flag bits. I’ve been wanting to make a scrappy flag for a while. I made red and blue cakes and we had our own celebrational tea party.
It’s a double sided flag. As my husband pointed out, helpfully, it is a week late, but I feel better about it. I made something for the Jubilee. We have a special project that is going to need this flag, but that can wait for a later post. I like to think that I am exceedingly early with the bunting. It will be perfect for the Olympics later on this summer.
I loved my husband’s idea of adding “Jubilee 2012” to the flag. I embroidered it on this morning. It is my souvenir of the weekend and reminds me that not all souvenirs have to be bought.
Some souvenirs can be made and others just turn up on their own.
I love this post…I enjoyed hearing your feelings about missing the event and your deciding to celebrate it in your own way. I love it! The lesson on the thatched houses was wonderful. I had no idea that there were still thatched houses.
Lots of thatch around still. Mainly in the countryside or edges of towns. Thatched walls are still to be seen in counties such as Wiltshire. It is one of our favourite things to spot during car journeys.
I see what you mean about your garden! And yes I wish it would stop raining here too!
I’m just going to have to make a dash out in the breaks in the rain and plant out some of my plants. Before they crawl out by themselves.
Hi and thanks so much for popping in to visit my blog. I love the look of yours. So many things in this post to comment on – not least that I didn’t know about thatchers leaving their mark on their roofs. I guess it makes sense, rather like masons having their own symbol. Juliex
I’ll try and include photos of some of the roof ridges. Nice to see you here too!
It sounds like you had a lovely relaxing few days Cheryl. Our village is more of a suburb but we have a few thatched roofs and it’s been lovely observing some of them being re-thatched over the years. I love to watch artisans at work.
Your garden is really blooming. I love the ladybird poppy, I haven’t seen one before…how cute.
Sorry you missed your celebrations but hopefully your neighbours will have lots of photos to share with you and it sounds like you had a good celebration when you returned…maybe you’ll be able to get your bunting and flag out for the Olympic games.
I hope the weather settles and you manage to make your elderflower cordial before the blossoms all fall.
Have a fruitful weekend.
Re-thatching is fascinating to watch. Real crafts people.
I’m hoping for a break in the weather. So many plants to plant out and elderflower to gather. I’m not greedy. Just one day should do it..
So much beauty. I LOVE the thatched roofs and your jubilee flag. The flowers? Ah, I’m envious of the flowers. I’m really looking forward to seeing my yard bloom…
Blessings, Debbie
The garden really does seem to have blossomed over night. I’m sure your yard will be colourful and beautiful soon too.
oh there are so many wonderful things in this post… where to even start?
love the ducks on the roof, all your beautiful flowers, and especially your scrappy flag!
The ducks made us giggle. Usually the birds stay still on the top of the thatch.