Take a pot of marbles
Simmer 1/2 pint of milk for 15 mins, with two handfuls of mint thrown in.
Add a few drops of rosemary and peppermint essential oil.
Put mixture, marbles and feet in bowl, with a top-up of milk and relax. Bliss for tired Mother’s feet.
BUT, at no point should mothers forget to distract children with exciting project elsewhere.
…bowl appears to shrink
Foot soak for tired Mother’s feet is AMBUSHED!
Solution….have youngest run in with baby frog-in-hand declaring lots of frogs are now in the kitchen.
As middle child, assume responsibility for taking over foot soak as Mother, eldest sister, youngest brother and frog-in-hand disappear into kitchen.
Do you think she planned it?
Ah well, the bowl was too small for my feet. The soak did leave my feet nice and soft.
Next time, I’m waiting until they are all out of the house or asleep!
Oh…my feet are rejoicing already!!!
What a lovely idea, (minus the frog of course)!!!
xo maureen
It was just what I needed after walking to and fro from school three times yesterday along our dusty lane in sandals.
Oh wow, I gotta try that one!
… after the children go to sleep.
I was grateful for the ten minutes I had solo, but it would have been more leisurely if I had waited till after bed time. We all like a bit of pampering, even the small ones!
Luciana might have a point there :0)
Totally! The question is have I now raised their expectations to include a foot spa. BL told me she would recommend it to her friends and could we do it again. I just hope she is not planning to invite her friends.
Oh my that looks like heaven! Great pics
It was lovely. My feet felt wonderful afterwards and the scent was gorgeous!