Autumn hedgehogs

When we first moved to our house, there was a reasonable population of hedgehogs in the garden. I remember going out, one night, and hearing the strangest growling/grinding noise at my feet. Turned out I was been challenged by a hedgehog. Probably along the lines of “This is my garden and what are you doing in it.” In the autumn especially, we were bound to come across at least one in the garden at night. We liked them. Then a few years after moving here, we realised that they had gone. A whole year without a sighting. We checked with the neighbours and they reported the same. The hedgehogs had gone.

I would like to think my garden is fairly wildlife friendly. At the time all our surrounding neighbours were organic gardeners and loved our prickly night time visitors. Around the same time, we all noticed more badger activity. Somewhere, deep down in my memory, I remember hearing that badgers and hedgehogs don’t mix. Whatever the cause of their disappearance, I miss the little critters and their slug eating ways.

Tuesday is TF’s and my craft day and, even though it is half term, I still wanted it to be his special time. I chose a craft that would interest them all. It gave the girls enough time to put as much detail into it, but TF could move from one step to the next, without really noticing what the others were doing. First we read One Winter’s Day. It is about a hedgehog whose home is blown away. On the way to badger’s house, out of kindness, he gives various animals his hat, scarf and mittens. Bit early for winter, but we have been discussing hibernation as the bats have taken to their winter homes. Plus it was wet and windy today. (My least favourite weather. Wet or windy is OK, I just don’t like them combined)

First we used chalk to draw the scenery on black construction paper. Next I put a box of leaves and other nature finds on the table, with pots of glue. TF decided that he didn’t want to stick leaves. The last time he had stood outside, in the dark, we had watched fireworks. He was enormously taken by the display, so his heart was set on replicating “shooting star rockets” in his picture. Out came the glitter. The girls could not resist the glitter so added movement and stars to their pictures. Last stage was to cut out a hedgehog and stick wool on for its prickles.

I find it interesting that all the hedgehogs face the same way, except one. I gave no guidance on the direction. The only left hander faced the hedgehog the other way round.

For me, the sign of a good crafting session is when at least one of them wants to do it all again tomorrow. Exactly the same? No, can we include flowers next time!


  1. Oh I love these!!! Love the whole story, it’s wonderful!!! We have more than a few lefties in our house, the funny thing is that the right handed on or two find it hard to locate a working pair of scissors… and almost none of us can drive a tin opener!!! Enjoy your half term!!!

    1. I find her approach to most things fascinating. Mr T is left handed, so we have our share of left handed corkscrews and scissors, just to confuse matters. I like the challenge.

  2. My hubby says he has fond memories of the hedgehogs in England as a young boy. (he had several as pets)! Oh, and I had NO idea that they ate slugs…could you please send some to me here in Canada? What an enchanting and lovely thing to do with your child…bringing a story to life like that. I’m inspired!
    xo mauree

    1. Slugs are not the only garden creature that they eat, but I’m not going to blacken the hedgehog’s name. It didn’t occur to me that hedgehogs are not everywhere. If only I could send you a Mrs Tiggywinkle, but alas none to be had!

  3. HI Cheryl
    Great job! I would like to link to this post with a subject about ‘engaging children’ in a task. I’d love to borrow an image if you will allow me.
    If it is ok, can you send me a quick email to or leave me a comment on my blog please.
    I love your work! You did good! You have children wanting to do it again. Fab.

  4. Hi Cheryl,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your kids hedgehog pictures! Your little part of the world there looks beautiful. Unfortunately no hedgehogs around here but I’d love to have one of the little fellows come to visit.

    1. Hi Trixi. Thanks for dropping by. Still hoping that the hedgehogs will return. Just hope that the right conditions tempt them back into my garden.

  5. Love the pictures…they look great fun
    Isn’t glitter irresistible…only when ever they use it I always find myself wearing it somewhere and no one points this out until I’m back home. I sometimes feel like the Mummy Elephant in the Jill Murphy’s story “All in one Piece” who goes out in her posh frock after sitting on the paintbox….
    Sorry you don’t have hedgehogs visit any more.
    If you feel deprived of livestock…(lol) We used to keep Khaki Campbell Ducks and they loved slugs (they laid nice eggs in Winter too!)

    1. I guess it could be far worse. At least glitter suggests that you’ve been busy crafting with the girls. I need to read that book.

      I quite fancy keeping ducks. Someone once put me off by saying that although they don’t eat the plants, they make a mess of the garden. Still have our extra cockrel, so I’m not sure I can get away with more livestock at the moment.

        1. Thanks Val. We love Jill Murphy books and there are evenings that I have to read “Peace at last” to them 😀 . We used to have a copy of “Whatever Next”, but I’ve not read “All one piece”. AJ loved “Dear Hound”, probably due to it being about a deerhound, like Gwinny. Jill Murphy has deerhounds, which explains why it is such an accurate description of a deerhound. AJ has also devoured the “Worst witch” series. Great books.

  6. I love these pictures! So creative — and each one is unique. How funny that the left hander faced the hedgehog the other way…

    I’m with the pp who said she wanted hedgehogs here in Canada to help with the slug population!

    Thanks for visiting my blog — and especially for letting me know I wasn’t completely crazy about daylight savings! I had no clue…

    1. I’m glad you like the pictures. It is so easy to like hedgehogs. Sweet little twinkling eyes and they are helpful with the slug problem. As for daylight saving, I blame the international calendars. I’ve had to look twice in the past.

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